Once Upon Now Entry: Midnight Beast

Start from the beginning

I barely remembered where I put them. I had set the velvet red box that held them down for one second on a table when I had to go fetch a drink for my manager. When I came back, they were gone. Nobody could have taken them since this happened before the party had begun. The staff wouldn't have moved it since they're not allowed to touch personal belongings. It made no sense.

However, I didn't give up.

"Have you seen a red, velvet box?" I asked at least a thousand of the waiters and servers. All of them shook their heads and offered a sympathetic smile before they left.

My throat began to dry and I was beginning to sweat as I ran around asking people. If my boss found out, this would be the end of my internship and future career. I would stay in debt of my student loans forever. I would wallow and die. And then I—

"Miss, is it you that is looking for a red, velvet box?"

It was a pretty waitress, hair tied back as she held a silver tray full of wine.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and then responded in a calmer, "Yes."

"Well, I don't know if it's the same one you're looking for, but there is one in the main kitchen down the hall."

My eyes widened. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Miss—" But I was already racing out of the room. I found the kitchen quickly. It was giant and had at least ten doors leading different ways. I searched, glancing from area to area. Cooks were chopping and tossing and pouring. The smell of chicken and soups wafted in the air. My eyes were on the sole lookout for the color red.

And then I saw it.

The box. Where the Glass Heels were.

It was on a cart near one of the doors. I sighed in relief, squeezing my eyes shut and jumping in gratitude. My life was saved! I was going to be okay! I wouldn't be thrown out of Kingdom!

I opened my eyes again...only to watch a waiter push the cart out of the kitchen and past the doors.

"Hey! Wait!" I yelled, beginning to run. The kitchen was expansive and it was harder to get by than expected. Cooks with big, hot pans got in the way along with spilled liquids on the ground that I knew I would trip on if I didn't go the longer, cleaner way. When I got out, the waiter was in the elevator down the hall.

I ran faster than I ever had. "Wait!" I yelled. The waiter looked up just as the doors shut. For a second, I just stared. I had no idea what to do now.

Get it together, I told myself. I took five deep breaths before watching the number above the elevator to get the floor number. It stopped at 56, the last floor up. And that's exactly where I went.

When I finally caught sight of the waiter again, he was coming out of room #392. I waited until he left before rapidly knocking on the door.

Nobody answered.

I knocked on the door for the next five minutes until the lock shifted.

The door opened two inches, enough for me to only see one blue eye of the man behind it. "What?" he snapped. I looked incredulously at the door. He didn't have to be so rude.

"Uh, sir, sorry to bother you. I think you have something of mine," I said. I scratched the back of my neck. Please let me in.

"What?" he responded in a more irritated voice.

"That red box. It's mine."

"You're mistaken." His voice was deep and his words concise.

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