Just the beginning

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Well we made it to our 3 months. And I love you more now than I ever have before. Everyday my love for you grows. And knowing you've been mine for 3 months makes me so happy. I can't wait for the day it'll be 3 years and so many more than that. Last night with you meant everything to me. Even if it was only for a little while, being able to hug you, and hold you and kiss you again just made my night. Even tho we had your sister constantly on us.. I loved last night. Don't worry babe, one day we'll have our own place where it'll be just you and me and we won't have to worry about anybody bothering us. My little turtle, my love, my everything.. Arianna Yaraksel Ramirez, I love you so much and that'll never change. Thank you for the best 3 months of my life.. and here's to many many more ♥❤

My little turtleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum