Chapter 5

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It's been a whole week since I've seen Eli. We've been texting, a lot, but I want to actually see him, even though I'm too scared to just tell him that.
Most of our conversations are just simple things, things like asking about hobbies, favorites, and what we did that day.
I feel my phone buzz repeatedly, signaling a phone call. I look at it, and see "Elijah" flashing a crossing the screen. My heart speeds up, and I suddenly feel nervous. I wait a second, trying to calm my nerves, and then slide the answer button.
"Xavier. It's Eli."
"Yeah. What's up?" He pauses for a second, before he says anything.
"I need a favour, if you would." I suddenly feel even more nervous than I did when I answered the call. I think for a second.
"What do you need?"
"I need someone to take to an event with me, and I wondered if you would come." I stop and think. He's a CEO of a large company, and he wants to take me to some event? I can't even imagine how badly I would stick out at the kinds of events he must go to.
"I don't have anything nice to wear." I decide this is a good answer. I'm not quite accepting or declining his invitation. It's also quite true, considering the majority of my clothes are skinny jeans, band tees and hoodies. He chuckled lightly before answering me.
"Don't worry about clothes. I'll bring you something suitable."
Well, I guess that takes care of my only reason to say no.
"Okay. Then, yeah I'll go with you."
"Great! I'll be over in an hour." My eyes widen, as I look around my house, realizing I had an hour to make it look decent.
"Okay. See you soon, then." I answer, before hanging up and trying to figure out what to clean first.

An hour later, after I've managed to get my place decent, I hear a knock on my door. I know it's Eli, because honestly, who else would it be? I start feeling nervous again, but also happy at the thought of getting to see him again. I walk to the door and open it, immediately smiling at what I see. There he is, wearing a suit and tie, looking insanely hot. He smiles at me, and holds out a hanger, holding what must be another suit, inside a fabric bag.
"Here. Get changed. We have an hour to be there." My eyes widen, and my jaw drops, making him laugh. I take the hanger from his hand, and move to let him in.
"Are you serious? How far is the drive?" He looks at me for a moment before replying.
"It's about 30 minutes." I start internally freaking out, realizing I only had about 30 minutes to get ready.
Once Elijah is done laughing at my reaction, he looks up at me and says, "You'd better start getting ready, princess."
I looked at him and ran towards my room. I've never even worn a suit before, and I quickly realize I have no clue what I'm doing. I decide to do my hair and makeup first, and then I'll worry about the suit. I quickly brush and straighten my long hair, before fixing my eyeliner. Once I'm finished, and I've brushed my teeth again, just in case, I change into the pants he brought. I don't know how he knew what size to get, but they fit perfectly, and they're even skinny jeans. I throw on the button-up shirt, and go out to the living room. Eli looks at me from where he's sitting on my couch.
I look down at my clothes, and the tie in my hand, telling him, "I need help."
He chuckles before standing up and walking toward me. He stops right in front of me, and grabs my tie. He lifts up the collar of my shirt, before wrapping the tie around my neck, tying it, and putting my collar back down over the tie. He looks me over, and tells me to tuck in my shirt, and hands me the suit jacket. I quickly follow his instructions, and throw the jacket on, leaving it unbuttoned. I follow him to the car, and get in, sliding over to make room for him in the backseat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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