Chapter 6: Haise Sasaki

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Of all days, why "rain" this heavy just today?

You slightly winced while tightening your grip on the umbrella you were holding when the lightning flashed suddenly, followed by a deafening roll of thunder. You silently thanked Haise for lending you his umbrella; he couldn't drive you to your new residence (you transferred house soon after Yukishiro's death) as he was called to attend a meeting together with First Class Investigator Akira Mado and the Quinx. The agenda might have something to do with the Nutcracker investigation.

You lazily walked while remembering your confession to Haise Sasaki. Finally, finally, you were able to breathe without having to worry for your comrades' lives, eat without thinking that someone close to you might be eaten, and sleep without seeing any creepy messages on your phone beforehand. Haise Sasaki had stopped already – as what he said to you – ever since he confessed his affection towards you. You didn't believe this at first, for the unpleasant messages still continued on pestering your inbox.

Fortunately, they eventually stopped from coming back after that day, and you blushed at the memory.

And, as pertaining to the Spine Sucker whom you've been investigating for almost a month already, his rank has already increased into an SS one, meaning there is a chance that the case might be transferred to higher ranking investigators. Haise Sasaki, who gave the information about his encounter with Spine Sucker, described that the ghoul also has a rinkaku kagune. Fortunately, its kakuja was induced by its ukaku; seemed like the target didn't make much use of its other kagune.

But still, Spine Sucker is your target. You wanted to capture – no, like exterminate – him in order to avenge your partner. For sure, killing or capturing a Ranked SS hybrid ghoul could promise you another great achievement or even promotion, but you're aiming this in the name of your first partner investigator who gathered most of the crucial data regarding Spine Sucker. And there's no way in hell you're letting this slip from your grasp.

"I wonder when this rain is going to stop," you pondered whisperingly as you reached inside your bag to find the keys, tucking the shaft of the umbrella between your neck and shoulder.

"Too bad you're already gone the moment this rain stops, Reiko-chan."

The voice was faint, almost unrecognizable. But going on its juvenile yet taunting tone, you were able to comprehend the words spoken.

You snickered at the absurd threat. "Haise?" You stopped your hand from fumbling inside your bag to pick up your suit case that rested on the wet, concrete floor. "What are you doing here?" You turned around only midway. "You were supposed to—!!"

An entity suddenly zaps towards your face.

You instinctively jumped sideward, made a few backflips and lost your hold on the umbrella and your bag along the process.

You landed hard on the ground, injuring your already-wounded leg. A sharp hiss depicting pain slipped from your mouth; but you held your ground, waiting for the intruder to attack so you can directly hit it with your quinque.

"Aw, aw, Reiko-chan... how were you able to reach a promising rank when you are that weak and careless?" You stared at the intruder through the blinding mist and heavy rain, taking note of his familiar tone of voice and hybrid kagune.

"Spine Sucker..." you whispered under your breath. It's no mistake. He really is the one you're chasing after. The bloody red ukaku and rinkaku kagune protruding from its back already confirmed it.

"Ah, ah, naughty Reiko-chan..." He tiptoed his way towards you. "Not all were killed by Sasaki-kun~"

"Yeah, you killed Yasuo." Clicking immediately the activator, you rapidly twisted your arm, stimulating the activated quinque to unleash its four claws and attack your target. The ghoul counterattacked it with his own kagune all the while taking a few steps back. His ukaku kagune glistened, and you abruptly stood up and backed away to avoid the incoming crystal bullets.

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