1. - "Hi, I'm Zak Bagans."

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Chapter 1 – Knock, Knock. Allie are you home?

The morning of September 7th, 2013 – started as simple as any other day. The leaves were freshly falling off the trees, the air was crisp, and my house was creaking as it settled. I yawned as I shoved a spoonful of coffee grains into the coffee pot – and looked out the window at the house next door. I quickly regretted it. The shadow in the front window stared at me, I quickly looked away and moved my feet to begin walking away, going upstairs, to get ready to get dressed and start the day off, fresh. I quickly forgot about the shadow – knowing I would see it soon. I took a quick shower, straightened my hair, and put my glasses on my face – and hoped that today would be good. I wished the house next door wouldn’t bother me.

I dressed simply, there was nothing I had to do today but the occasional errands – and I was ready to get those done. I dressed in a plaid long-sleeve button-up, with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows and a white undershirt underneath, white shorts, and a pair of sandles. Modest enough for a 26 year old. I walked out of the house, purse over my shoulder, keys in my hand. The house next door had a big, white van in the driveway. I ignored them, another set of paranormal investigators coming to stir up the spirits that claim the house. The neighbors were complete assholes that lived there, they used to be nice, I'm not sure what had happened.

I climbed in my little mini-cooper, and started the car, taking one last look at the curious men in the yard, and drove off. During my drive, my phone rang – cooing off the ring-tone of my boyfriend. I sighed, and answered it. “Hey, beautiful.” Patrick said.

“Hey, handsome.” I smiled into the phone, “What's the occasion?”

“Oh, just calling to say hi..” Patrick smiled, “And to set up a date tomorrow night, Since I can't tonight – work calls. Dinner and movie perhaps?” I smiled.

“Oh, sounds excellent!” I giggled, “I'll put it in my schedule.”

“Alright,” Patrick smiled, “I have to get back to this meeting now. I'll call you later – okay?”

“Alright, I love you.” I smiled.

“Love you too, baby.”

After my errands, I returned home – a good 3 hours later. It was around 4 o'clock when I got home, and I parked in my driveway and began towing my paper bags into the house. When I returned to my car for the rest of my bags, there were 3 men. Two of them were holding big equipment cameras, the other had so much hair product in his hair I'm sure there were 3 bottles in it. “Can I help you?” I asked sweetly.

“Hi!” The man with too-much gel in his hair smiled, “I'm Zak Bagans.” Zak stuck out his hand, and I shook it softly.

“I'm Allison.” I smiled, shaking his hand.

“We are investigating the house next door. Do you mind if we ask you some questions.” Zak asked. I looked down at my car.

“Well, I'm trying to put some bags in the house..” I began saying.

“I'll help you.” The man, Zak, said. I rose my eyebrows as he put his hands in the trunk of my mini-cooper, and grabbed all the bags expect the box of cupcakes. The man smiled at me. “How about it?” I laughed softly, and bent down to pick up my cupcakes, before I closed the trunk and began walking inside the house.

I loved the smell of the house, a warm pumpkin spice. I loved fall. I directed Zak to simply put the bags on the counter, and then he can take a seat in the living room. He did, and then I walked out there after putting the cold things in the fridge and freezer. I walked back in the living room, before asking, “Would anyone like anything to drink?” I questioned.

“No, thank you.” Zak said in union with the other two. I nodded, before walking over to the loveseat across from Zak. “This is Nick and that's Aaron.” Zak informed me, “We are from the show Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel. We heard that you have seen things inside the house, we would just like to know what you have saw.”

“Why?” I asked curiously.

“Well, we are staying there overnight. We are being locked in.” Zak smiled, “We don't know what's in there, but we know people got attacked.”

“Oh,” I sighed, “Well, Inside the house – through the windows, I see shadows of things -”

“What kinds of things?” Zak interrupted me. Rude.

“The usual black shadows. I hear things, banging, screaming. I'll call the neighbors to ask if anything is going on – of course there isn't. It's just an overall crazy house.” I replied to him, looking at Zak. I noticed how gorgeous his blue eyes actually were. Zak rubbed his scruff on his face before looking up at me.

“How long have you saw this?” Zak asked.

“Just a few weeks after I moved in it started,” I began, “It's odd, because the neighbors used to be such sweeties. But after a few weeks of moving in, they turned into assholes-” I cut off abruptly, covering my mouth. “Oh, I'm sorry!” I shrieked softly.

Zak laughed at me, “Don't apologize sweetie. This is Ghost Adventures, all we do is cuss.” I laughed too then.

“I'm sorry, I don't usually cuss.”

“You don't seem like the type of person to cuss,” Zak smiled. I shrugged. “You know what we would like to do?” Zak asked after a moment of silence.

“What?” I asked.

“We would like you to join our investigation. But only if you choose to, we don't want to force you into anything.” Zak asked, putting his hand over mine on the arm of the couch.

“What are the risks?” I asked, my heart suddenly jumping.

“There is such a long list of risks,” Zak replied, “they're impossible to count. If you join us tonight, I will do everything within my power to keep you safe. Are you in?” I sighed, swallowed my far and shoved all the bad thoughts out of my mind.

“Sure,” I replied, “What's the worst that could happen?”

Zak smiled, but I didn't see the fear behind his smile. 

"All Is Hell"; The House Next Door; (Zak Bagans Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt