Chapter 1

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Hell isn't a bad place. Sure you would perceive it as a fire pit of death and destruction, but in reality it was more of a Las Vegas or New York City Scene. We had the tall skyscrapers towering over us, the gambling industry thriving down here in the pit, and the clubs. I personally didn't give a damn for the clubs or any of it. When I came down here, I already experienced those scenes, I expected something else down here. And I guess I got that.

When I died, I knew I would be going to hell. I didn't follow the Bible or any of the rules the church set for me, I didn't believe in those things. So it was no shock when the Reaper dumped me here. The thing that shocked me was I greeted by the devil, in the flesh. Satan, Lucifer, whatever was a girl and a very good looking one. She smiled at me and sat in front of me, her eyes were on me constantly. Her outfit also threw me off guard, a silk dress surrounded by feathers and heels. She could pull it off though.

"Sit, please." Her voice was strong and powerful, it could make anyone follow her.

I did as I was told and held my scarf tightly, it was cold down here.

"Thank you," she held her smile." As you could've guessed, I'm the Overlord of Evil and Darkness blah, blah, but I would prefer it if you called me Elizabeth."

I nodded my head without hesitation.

"Excellent! Now, you, my darling, aren't any normal unfortunate soul that came down here. You're here for an offer I have for you. " She sounded slightly English and it was also probably the cause for her beautiful red hair.

"You are to be apart of my newly formed Knights of Hell. If you chose to except, then you will be worshipped here in Hell, the whole world at your fingertips. If you deny, well you'll be a normal, poor soul, rotting forever here in hell." Her eyes were pitch black and her smile was more wicked than before.

She tapped her fingers as I thought, nailing my thoughts in one by one. I had no other choice and she knew that, either be a somebody or a nobody and I knew I had to pick the first one. That was the only decent deal I would get down here.

"I...accept." I croaked out.

She smiled even more. "Good choice, now get up. I need to show you your new home!"

I got up slowly and she grabbed me. We teleported to the tallest building I saw on the way down here. She covered my eyes before I turned around and I didn't fight it, I was honestly tired. She lifted her hand from my eyes and my mouth dropped.

The place was beautiful and huge. It felt like I didn't belong here, I wasn't as rich or as pretty to live here.

"This, my ginger hair doll, is your home. I know it's a, but feel free to customize it to your liking. Your home should make you feel comfortable and want to always come back here." Her eyes were no longer black, but now grey and her expression was now kind. I said she was pretty and I wasn't lying, but she was Lucifer. Literal perfection was what I expected and it delivered.

"Also, you have your other knights on the floors below you and you'll be meeting them tomorrow." She turned towards the door I saw on my left.

"W-where do you live?" I nearly shouted. She turned to look, but laughed.

"The floor above, darling. This after all is my home." She continued to walk toward the door, leaving me here alone.

I was still in awe at this place, it all was so clean and I was afraid to move.

I was afraid of a lot of things before this gig. But now, I wasn't scared of anything.


That's where I am now. Doing my damn job for the grand kingdom of hell and it was exhausting. I had blood all over me, my hair in my face, and a pissed off look that was ready to kill.

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