"Hey Tay!" Sway said, out of breath, I smiled. I love that I can do that to her. I moved slowly in out of Sway. She squirmed and bit her bottom lip. "Uh, no... Yeah, all is-fine," she breathed out she sent me a glare, I just grinned at her. "Do you need to talk to Andy?" I stopped moving when Sway said that, what does Taylor need. "Taylor is everything okay? What are you not telling me?" Sway asked her, she paused for a moment, "Yes Andy is here," she finally said. I snatced the phone away from her ear.

"Taylor." I said, and got off Sway. I stood up. Sway kicked around trying to get the tie undone, but I tied it pretty tight.

"Andy... We have a problem." Taylor started to tell me.

"And that is?" I asked her.

"Sway's dad has been arrested again..." she said. Shit.

"Why?" I asked.

"He hurt Grace pretty bad, almost killed her... I don't think he is getting out." she said. I ran a hand threw my hair. Shit. I looked over at Sway who had a worried face. "Please take care of Sway," Taylor begged me.

"I will," I told her, "How is everything there?" I asked her.

"Pretty good. I love working at your desk, I feel in charge, that Ashley Purdy guy came back, with some awesome music," she explained.

"Cool. Well I need to go Taylor," I said.

"Okay, Bye Andy. Like I said take care of Sway," she reminded me.

"I will. Bye." and with that I hung up the phone.

"Andy!" Sway barked at me. I walked over to her and set her free, "What's going on?" she asked.

"Your father was arrested again, he almost killed Grace," I told her. Sway's face dropped. I grabbed her naked body and pulled her into me.

"I told her to leave him... I told her, he was going to hurt her." Sway said, a tear fell from her eye. I held her tighter.

-Sway's POV-

I knew that was going to happen at some point if she stayed. "I hate him," I said quietly, my heart beat started to race, I don't know if it was the high from Andy or the hate and anger I was feeling, "I hate him!" I said a little louder, "God I fucking hate him!" I yelled. Andy pulled me in tighter.

"Sh, it's okay angel," he said stroking my hair. I started to cry, "Come here angel," Andy said picking me up in his arms, I was startling him. My arms wrapped around his neck, and my head laying on his shoulder. I should tell him. It's Andy, I can trust him. I do trust him.

"When- I was six... I watched my father... Kill a women," I blurted out. Andy moved me so I was looking at him.

"What?" he asked.

"He-he was beating my mom... And the lady next door of the aprement heard screaming... She came in and saw him beating my mother up. Dad got pissed, he ended up beating her to death...." I started to cry just thinking of the memory. Man my life is just a fuck up, "After that he told both me and my mom to keep our mouths shut. Made it a suicide," i told him.

"Angel," Andy said pulling me into his arms, "I don't want you speaking to your father ever again." he said. That made me cry more.

"He is all I have Andy," I cried, "He is all I have ever had, mom left... No other family members would speak to us," I told him.

"You have me angel." Andy whispered, he sounded like he didn't want me to hear him, but I did. I heard him clearly. I have him. My drug. The one that can get me high, and drunk without the drugs or alcohol. And if he left I'd fall back into my addictions, I fear losing him. I fear going back to the past that haunts me. I held tighter onto him.

"You're all I want." I whispered back to him.

"Say the words to me Sway," Andy told me.

"I-I can't... I'm not ready," I told him. He gently kissed me.

"Please tell me something then," he begged. "Tell me you feel it," he asked.

"I feel something... Something I haven't felt before." I told him. He kissed me.

"I care for you angel," Andy said, because that's all he can say to me, because if I'm not going to say the three words then he isn't going to say them.

"I care for you Andy," I said. Our foreheads touched, and I breathed him in. His bare skin soft, and warm, he smelled of cologne and cigarette smoke. Getting close to Andy, you could feel everything, you could feel his chest rise and fall, the heat coming off his body warming my cold one. I'm not just a one night stand, he wasn't just a one night stand. What I did with Kells was a mistake, and I wish I could take it back. "Do you forgive me?" I asked Andy.

"Of course angel. You're a beautiful mess, but my beautiful mess. And I don't mind," Andy said. Because he is the type of guy that loves the crazy rides. He is obsessed with sex, and obessed with me. He wants to see me tied down, and pinned to the bed as he fucks my brains out. I love it. I love him.... And it scares me too death.

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