Chapter 1: A normal day in my life.

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It's my 16th birthday. I actually really excited for my birthday, most people or werewolfs who are abused dread their 16th birthday. I don't know why I guess because they will meet their mate and they fear they won't be accepted.

As of right now I don't care about that, I don't know if he will accept me but there is no point in living my life in fear of rejection. My whole life has been full of rejection if my mate didn't want me I wouldn't be surprised, I probably won't feel any pain, I've had enough that I'm just you know numb to it now, it doesn't bother me anymore.

I got up and took a shower, at least they let me have a shower. I used my strawberry shampoo and conditioner that I was gladly provided. Then I used my vanilla body wash.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I went back into my room and put on a plain black baggy shirt. I got out some old red skinny jeans which used to fit me are now baggy. Then I put on my only shoes, my lucky black converse.

I grabbed my plain black school bag and headed out of my room and downstairs. I got to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the whole pack. I made eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast. When I was down I snuck an apple and left for school.

This will probably be the only thing I eat today. Depending on whether or not I can make it through the lunch line without being tripped.

When I reached the school there was only two kids here. Guess I was really early today. I like to come early because it means less kids and less kids means less bruises. The name calling doesn't hurt me anymore because I know it's true so it's just like they are calling me by my name.

As I got closer to the school I could smell the most amazing scent ever, peppermint and chocolate. I looked around there was now a group of jocks over by the door. The scent was coming from them, this is not good my mate is a jock. I thought, well hoped, it would be someone nerdy but no it has to be a jock. Oh well there is no doubt I'm getting rejected. I just hope it's not him...

'Let's just get this over with,' I thought to myself.

I walked closer to the doors and the group of jocks trying to get them to smell me. There was one person looking at me, it was him.

The one person I didn't want to be my mate yet I did. I didn't want him to be because I have always loved him yet he didn't even know I existed.

He was looking directly at me I made eye contact with those stunning hazel eyes. just like that everyone disappeared it's like we were the only ones on earth.

Then suddenly it stopped I was confused then I noticed the school slut, also my sister, Lisa, was hanging on his arm practically eating him.

I was beyond mad I started shaking. Then I felt the worst pain in the world. I was shifting.! I ran as fast as I could to the woods. I got just in the woods before the pain got to unbearable I fell over and just laid on the ground waiting for the pain to stop. When the pain died down I opened my eyes and I was on all fours. My paws were white.

I looked around me trying to find something I could look in and see myself I wanted to know what color I was.

That's when I saw him, Jace. He was just standing there staring at me. He told me to shift. I just stared at him. I wasn't going to shift I don't have any clothes.

He got what I was trying to tell him and threw me his shirt. I stood there for a second taking in his appearance. he was smokin hot. He had a six pack with sun kissed skin. His brown hair made his eyes stand out. He had that hair that lots of guys have these days the long hair that stops just above their eyes. He had a really good body.

I just realized I was checking him out and by the smirk on his face he had noticed. I ran behind a tree and shifted, I had to picture my human form and it was pretty painful to shift back but not as bad as the first time.

I put on the shirt and walked out from behind the tree. He looked at me when I when I walked out, in his eyes you could see sadness and anger.

"I can't be your mate," he said looking at me with pity.

"I figured," I say I already knew this would happen.

"I Jace Roggers, reject you, Jordyn Daniels, as my mate," he says with sadness and anger.

The pain wasn't even bad. My heart was already broken there wasn't much he could do to break it more.

"What color was my wolf," I ask him with a bored expression on my face.

"What..." He asks looking at me with shock.

"I said.. what.. color.. was... my... wolf.." I say very slowly looking annoyed.

"Um... you were a pure white wolf," he says still looking shocked.

"Oh yay I'm a rare wolf," I say smiling at that there hasn't been one for a long time.

"Ya you are, and your eyes are literaly glowing in your wolf form," he says with admiration in my eyes.

"Cool," I say looking bored again.

"How do you do it," he mumbles looking embarrassed. Guess he didn't mean to ask that out loud.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"Stay strong," he say with admiration back in his eyes.

"Well my heart is broken and you can't break something that's already broken," I tell him truthfully.

"Oh," he looks sad again.

"Also since I'm supposed to be future alpha I am stronger than most," I say in a 'duh' tone.

"What do you mean, Lisa is next in line to be alpha," he says with shock clearly written on his face.

"She's my younger sister, have you noticed she hasn't shifted yet, or even found her mate, she's 15 I'm 16 a whole year older," I admit this is the first time I have ever told someone.

He looks like he is thinking then he looks shocked.

"Finally someone realizes," I mumble.

"But why?" he asks.

"Guess you'll never know," I say then I turn around and tart sprinting towards the pack house.

'Where are you going' my wolf asks.

'We are leaving, let go on a adventure, no point in staying where we are clearly not wanted.' I state.

'Okay, my name Victoria by the way. She tells me.

'Jordyn Daniels,' I state still running.

'We are going to be a good team,' she says laughing evilly.

'We sure are,' I say laughing along with her, "we sure are."I mumble.


Authors note:

Hey guys first chapter.!! yay.! I hope this book will get as popular a my other one. you guys should read my other one.!! I am so excite right now I'm going to learn how to ride a dirt bike.! I'm also going to ride my new quad for the first time.(: yay.!! Well I love you you beautiful people.! Always remember if you need help or anyone to talk to come to me.!


Keep smiling.!(:


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