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I met him at the carnival. Lurking in the shadows, he searched for his next meal, which ended up being me.

I've never really liked carnivals, in between happiness and laughter you could hear the fear and madness, yet not everyone was able to hear it. Or maybe I just had a messed up mind.

I only went to that place because my uncle's little daughter Susan wanted to ride the carousel, one of her many favorite things to do there. "I want cotton candy, daddy!" she demands happily to her father. Susan's smile shows the glee in her soul, that's how a seven year old should always feel.

My uncle adjusts his glasses and looks down at his daughter, "Maybe we should go to the carousel first, baby girl. We don't want to get a tummy ache after the ride, do we now?"

Susan pouts but lets it go quickly, "Fine. Let's go then!" she grabs her daddy's hand and drags him out. Uncle Fred looks back at me and rolls his hazel eyes with a smile on his lips. I give him a little fake smile and follow behind them, my eyes gazed at the ground but I could still see from the corner of my eyes the bright colorful lights around me.

As we approached the carousel, Susan could not hold in her excitement so she began jumping up and down. When we got there she started to slow down her excitement and didn't look away from the horses, it's like she was hypnotized by the beauty of the attraction.

"Kaylee," uncle Fred said, "could you stay here with Susan while I go get her tickets?" I nodded and he went to get the tickets.

Susan stood next to me with me with a perplexed look, like it was the first time she saw one of this.

I tried to look directly where she was staring at so deeply with awe, she was looking at the revolving horses but I ended up looking at something that was on the other side of the carousel. I couldn't really explain what I was looking at but I felt someone or something looking at me and I felt frozen. Now Susan and I were both in a trance, it was a weird feeling like something was pulling me towards it. If it weren't for my uncle, we could have been like that forever.

Uncle Fred slapped my shoulder teasingly, waking me up from a reverie, "I didn't know you wanted to ride the carousel too, Kaylee!" I flushed at his words.

"And I don't," I told him, trying to brush it off, "I was just... thinking." The carousel stopped and the people that were riding it got off.

"Well, I want to go!" Susan exclaimed, also waking up, she grabs uncle Fred's hand again, "Help me get in, daddy!" Uncle Fred laughs at his daughter and does as she says.

After helping her up, uncle Fred came to my side and a few moments later the carousel started spinning. I looked at Susan and saw how happy she was, I felt jealous because I hadn't felt like that in a while, but mostly I was depressed, and just like that the hypnotizing feeling came back again. There was something at the other side of the carousel silently calling for me and I felt compelled to follow it.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I told my uncle and left him right away, oblivious to what was going to happen.

I walked around the carousel to the spot I was looking at earlier, but there was nothing abnormal. Still, I felt the pull in me, it was no longer in my vision but in my senses.

I crossed through the sea of people, tuning out any kind of sound, letting the pull lead me where it wanted to go. What would I do when I found what I was looking for? What was I looking for anyway?

I was starting to get dizzy, maybe from the bright lights and the people I had to push through, but as the pull got stronger, the dizzier I felt. That sensation ended up leading me to an ally.

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