Chapter 1: Sweet Pixie Tree

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hope you guys enjoy this very first chapter and thank you guys for all the support on my other books! thanks! Vote and comment plz! some critism would be greatly appreciated! 

Syaoran's P.O.V

I was back home but everything was dark and eerie. "Hello?" i called into the darkness around me. A movement in the corner of my eye made me swing around, No on was there. I saw a light coming from one of the rooms and i ran towards it eagerly to find my parents sitting at the table looking at something. "Mom? Dad?" I walked up to them and i saw that they were holding a picture of me as a baby. "I do miss Syaoran..." she sighed. "Mom! I'm right here!" i said. I ran to hug them but i passed right through them and they didn't see me. 

"M-mom? D-dad?" i stuttered. "He's long gone..." my day muttered sadly. "So long gone." I saw them slowly start to disappear and i reached out for them but i just went through them like air. "No! mom! dad! Don't leave me!" but it was too late! They were gone...and i was alone. 

I flung the front door of my house wide open and ran outside. It was pitch black and i created a ball of light in my hands and it helped to light up some of the darkness. I ran onto the street and looked around. No one was there. Everything was deserted. I felt a shot of pain fo through me and i fell to the ground. 

I looked at my chest and saw my flame flickering. "No! Am i dying?!" i screamed hiding my head in my hands. Our flames were like our life. It was like our heart. We aren't like earthlings. We have no heart but a flame and if that goes out...we're dead. Flickering flames will wither and blow out. Blazing ones will live to somewhere near forever. 

I felt warm wind blow past me and a chanting voice said, "Syaoran." I looked up to see Yukari, my bestest friend, walking towards me. "Yukari!" i ran towards her, tears of joy streaming down my face, but..she was disappearing. "Syaoran, " she took my head in her arms, "Wake up!" 

My eyes flickered open to see Yukari smiling down at me. I was lying in bed on my back and she was hunched over, sitting on my stomach and shaking me like mad. "Syaoran! Finally! You know how hard it is to wake you up?!" I smiled. "Yukari, how did you get in here?" "Ike-kun let me in!" she said. 

Ike kun was a good friend of mine who shared this dorm room with me. At WillowCrest Academy, there were two dormitories, the girls and the boys,and each of the dorms were shared, two students in each. Well Yukarit tended to pursuade Ike to let her into the dorm to wake me up. 

I smiled and pushed her off. "Get off Yukari! You weigh a ton!" She laughed pulling the blanket of me as she slid of the bed. "Do not! get up Sleepy head! I'll come fetch you in an hour!" and with that she scampered out the door. 

Ike was sitting on his bed, still in his pajamas. "Come on!" he said, "You heard her! Get up Sleepy head!" I laughed and threw a pillow at his face, knocking his glasses off. "NO!" he screamed diving off the bed to save them from the floor. "Hey, Syaoran, remember what's gonna happen today?" 

Realization hit me and i shot out of bed and was ready in seconds. I was taking a few gulps of water when I heard Ike and Yukari calling me from outside. I plonked the glass down on the table and it shook, upsetting a photo frame and sent it falling to the floor. 

I quickly knelt down to pick it up. It was a picture of a 7 yeard old girl and an 8 year old boy sitting in a large maple tree surrounded by what looked like shining white weasels that could bounce in the air. (pic) It was a picture Me and Yukari in our most favorite place in the world, the Pixie Tree. 


It was 10 or so years ago, I was sitting in the tree on the highest branch, watching the pixies dance around in the air like glowing white weasels and weave themselves through the maple tree branches. i did this everyday! it was wonderful back then.

Then came 7 year old Yukari. I heard that there were kids that picked on her in our preschool so that was the reason for her crying. she ran up to the maple, not noticing me sitting up there, and crouched down by it. "Hey mom...I miss you. You're the only one besides dad who loves me. " I slid down a few branches to get a better view of her. 

She had dark hair unlike my like me but had blue eyes where i had purple. She was running her fingers along the woody surface where a heart was carved with M + T in it. "hey." I said quietly and she looked up, tears streaking down her face. "What's wrong?" i asked. "y-you aren't here to make fun of me, are you?!" she asked wiping away some tears with the back of her hand. I slid down onto the ground and patted her back. 'Nope!"

"Why are you crying?" i asked even though i knew exactly why. She looked at me sadly. "I'm being bullied...because i cry." I smiled slightly. "Crying isn't a bad thing and if they bully you, just tell me." i said clenching my fist. She managed a small smile. "What's your name?" I looked at the large tree and climbed back into it. "My name is Syaoran." She climbed into the tree and sat one branch higher than me. "I'm Yukari, " she held out a little hand, "Wanna be friends?" I smiled. "Friends!" I took her hand and shook it.  

She told me about how she lost her mother and there was no one else to watch over her when he dad was busy or wasn't around. She was lonely and she always came to this tree where her mother and father first met. She said she wished every single day that her mother would come back. I looked at her with a strange expression when she said that. "But wishes don't work, i tried wishing to be able to fly but i just ended with a broken arm." i said. She smiled and reached into the air to let a pixie land on her hand. 

"If you wish really hard, your wish can come true." 

I smiled at those words and looked at the sky as a star shot across the sky. "I wish for two things." I said, "I-" she covered my mouth with her hand. "Don't tell me! If you do it won't come true!' I smiled and closed my eyes and made a wish, two actually. one, that i could get into CrescentWing Uni and two, that i could protect Yukari forever and always be friends with her. 

I never found out what she wished for and i never asked, because just like she said, if she told me, it wouldn't come true. 

As she got ready to go, she ran her fingers across the heart marking on the tree. "Bye mom." I suddenly got an idea and stopped her before she could go. "I got an idea, i don't want our friendship to ever be forgotten!" I picked up a rock and started making marks on the tree. "That's a great idea!" 

That day as we left for home and bid good bye by the tree, we both kissed our right hands and touched the new markings on the tree. It was a large maple leaf with Y+S. That was the symbol of our friendship engraved on the Sweet Pixie Tree.


"Hey Syaoran! Hurry up!" Ike called from outside. I set the photo frame down and picked up my rucksack. I slung it over my shoulder, grabbed my jacket and hurried out the door, closing it behind me. 

Today was the day. The last of the Vaditum. Today was the day i fulfill that dream and get the scholarship to CrescentWing Uni! 

hiya! hopes you guys enjoys this chapter a super lot! lolz sorry im talking funny. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment. Some critism would be greatly appreciated.

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