"So, would you like some assistance with this machine?" he asked politely.

"Wouldn't mind some," I laughed as he stepped forward and glanced at me.

"What is the order?"

"Orders." I corrected him.

"Sorry, what are the orders? " he grinned, shaking his head.

"One flat white and one cappuccino," I replied, watching as he grabbed a cup, placed it under the lever, and pressed some buttons, adding some shots and got to work. Seconds later, I had 2 big steaming cups of aromatic coffee in my hand and I thanked him more than once.

"So, who's the other one for?" he innocently asked.

"Oh, the man I was sitting with."


"Uh... no, not really," I replied. Did it mean that he was my boyfriend if we'd kissed? Surely not.

"Not really? Oh, is it open for discussion," he was being a lot more polite but with an edge of humour.

"Well, not right now," I gestured towards the reception, "I'd best get going."

"Well," he grabbed a pen and paper, ripped the paper in half and scrawled some digits on it, then handed it to me. Both hands full, he had to put it in my bag. "When the matter is open for discussion, you know where I'll be." He winked and gave me a heart-stopping smile that left me speechless, and then strode away attending to other patients.

Was he flirting with me? He was quite good looking though, and I suppose I don't look half bad today...

A tap on my shoulder brought my back into reality and I spun to be facing Ray.

"Oh crap, that scared me," I cursed as I handed him his coffee.

"First time operating the machine or something," he smirked, peering at his coffee, most likely to check if it was right. I couldn't blame the guy though.

"How'd you know?" I laughed, sipping the delicious coffee. Hm, maybe I should swap Starbucks with Costa now.

"You took," he glanced at his watch then looked back up, "approximately 15 minutes to make two simple coffees. Did you even make it though?"

"Hey, don't be rude okay, I'm not one to perfect the master of coffee. And no, I didn't actually," I folded my lips together and gave a guilty shrug.

"Yeah, I figured since this coffee tastes so damn good."

I punched him and he said 'ow' in a way that it didn't actually hurt.

"I didn't make it," I was about to describe Oliver when he walked right past, so I pointed towards him, "he made it."

Oliver smiled, then raised his eyebrows and changed his direction to walk towards us. Ray's expression faltered for a second to one where his eyebrows furrowed and he looked extremely unwelcoming but as instantly as it came, it went and he smiled again.

"Hey Aria, coffee good?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye that you couldn't not notice.

"Very, tell me, where did you learn this art?" I sipped some off my coffee, and enjoyed the sweet, bitter taste that engulfed my tongue in pure heat.


I had to place the coffee down on the machine as I cracked up laughing. It was hilarious, and I couldn't stop; I literally would wee myself if I didn't stop.

Ray and Oliver stared at me and soon, Oliver joined in the laughter so that Ray was the odd one out. Feeling rude, I stood up and regained my composure.

"Sorry, that was..." I had to gulp back another laugh, "hilarious. Anyway, Ray meet Oliver. The one who makes me laugh in seconds of meeting him. And Oliver meet Ray, the one who was my knight in shining armour today."

"Nice to meet you," they both shook hands and smiled, awkwardly.

I noticed the ID card lanyard around his neck and couldn't help but stare at his official image. He, truthfully, looked really hot.

"Whoa," I couldn't help but stare.

"What?" Oliver unhooked the ID card off the neck strap and handed it to me.

"You look incredibly hot here," I blurted out. I didn't even know what I said until it was silent and I looked up to find Ray and Oliver both staring at me, eyes wide.

"Well," Oliver blushed after some time of silence, "I also happen to find you incredibly hot."

I felt something flutter inside of me, butterflies?  We both stared at each other with unconcealed awe and interest.

Ray winced and the moment was ruined, but I felt guilty to even think that. I looked at him, and he was clutching his lower chest; his face was scrunched up in agony and avoiding my stare, he walked away to the nearest nurse. He began talking, and she took him away.

"Oh, I could've treated him, why did he leave?" Oliver asked with concern.

"Uh, I don't know but I'd better go," I was already walking away, then I walked back to him. "Give me your pen." 

He obediently handed it me, and I muttered a loud 'sorry' as I quickly scrawled my digits in big, messy numbers on his arm.

"Call me," I smirked, and walked away, fully aware that his gaze was on me.


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