He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled away from the curb,  it took us around twenty minutes to reach club Omega and before the car even stopped I was out and through the door. It was hard to distinguish different scents in here as they were mixed in with sweat and alcohol; I pushed my way through the crowds and onto the dance floor.

Finding her scent wasn’t as hard as I thought, I followed her scent and saw a guy running his hands up her body and grinding into her, a feral growl came from my chest and I ripped him from behind her and pushed him onto the floor.

“Get away from my mate” I ground out, the guy looked around 19 and had a stupid smile plastered on his face, “Dude we were just having some fun, anyway she enjoyed it” he spoke close to me I could smell the alcohol through his breath he was completely plastered.

“I doubt that, now go away before I kick your arse” I told him above the music, I quickly glanced back at Ash who was dancing again with a concerned look filling her face as she watched me and the guy. “You wouldn’t even be able to touch me” he drawled.

“You wanna bet” I said and reached out my hand and hit him over the head “Touch” I said raising my eyebrows. The guy ran at me drunkenly trying to hit me but I simply stepped out of the way and he stumbled to the floor, face planting.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Ash who had disappeared, I followed her scent through the crowd which was extremely difficult and eventually found her at the bar ordering another round. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, “Might want to get those hands off, if my mate sees you his gonna hit you pretty hard” she said in a light and airy voice.

I turned her in my arms and pushed her against the bar, “Or you could just hit yourself that works fine, since you look just like him it would probably be the same, maybe not though I think he likes hitting people, you know he hit my brother, because he rescued me, I know right how stupid is that…anyway I think he might not want you holding me against the bar like this” she rambled in a drunk voice.

I chuckled a little at her state and let her go, she turned around and skulled two shots of vodka, she wobbled a bit and fell to the floor landing on her but, I couldn’t help myself as I burst out laughing. “Hey help a girl up” I pulled her up and held her arm allowing her to get control of her feet.

“Come on lets take you home” I walked her out of the club and toward the car, “No, nope, nah uh, I don’t think you should do that, I promise my mate is very protective a little phyco even” she said twirling her finger around her temple indicating insanity.

“I don’t think he’d mind me taking you home” she considered my statement with a look of complete concentration on her face and then spiked up “Well okay then” I helped her up into the jeep and buckled her seat belt for her.

“You know I can do that myself” she whined but I just looked up to her rolled my eyes and continued my work, I walked around to the driver’s side and pulled myself up and started the engine, “So bright eyes what’s your name?” she asked.

I laughed and looked over to her, she looked absolutely gorgeous in the green dress, it hugged her curves and fell loosely around to mid-thigh (PIC ON SIDE). “Ryan, gorgeous whats yours?” I said, “Oh My God, No way” she said slapping my arm “My mates name is Ryan as well, that is such a co-inkidink, my names Ashley” I nodded along as she rambled on about her mate who was actually me but she was so drunk she couldn’t tell.

When we arrived home I picked her up and put her over my shoulder, “So Ryan” she said rolling her ‘r’s she giggled it was the cutest noise I had ever heard. “How do you know where my house is…are you stalking me…or are you really smart…or maybe you already know me…did I already tell you…cause if I did I think I might be just a little bit tipsy” I couldn’t help the laugh that fell from my lips as she listed off possible options.

“Here we are” I said placing her at the door to her room, “Come inside” she said pulling me in after her and then placing a finger to my lips “you have to check the room for monsters” she whispered. I nodded and pretended to look around, “no-ones here I better go now…” I said but was quickly cut off “No please stay, the monster might come back, he keeps coming during the night…” she said with small tears coming to her eyes.

“Hey, hey don’t cry Ash I’ll stay with you” she touched her cheeks and looked at her tears with interest, “Thankyou Ryan” she whispered and got under the sheets pulling it close to her chin, I took off my shirt and got into bed next to her.

I pulled her body next to mine and kissed the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder where my mark would eventually be, she shivered at my touch and I closed my eyes breathing in her scent I fell asleep.


Okay yeah just showing Ryan’s POV and a little bit of drunk Ashley hope you enjoyed I know its not all that good but bear with me it will hopefully get better anyway please comment and vote and fan.

Xx SophieBoffie

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