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RLC 202 Acquisition of Anting-anting

This course tackles both modern and ancient methods of acquiring an anting-anting. Ancient methods require that the search occur during holy days, particularly Good Friday, and usually at a cemetery. What follows is a trial of strength or skill against a supernatural opponent that varies depending on the region: in some places, one contends with a kapre, in others a lamang-lupa, and in yet others, a demon. Modern times have brought about easier ways to acquire an anting-anting, through the purchase from those savants who have learned the secrets of creating their own, but such a search can require even more skill than the ancient techniques, as one must learn which stores are to be trusted and how to test their wares. This course will also deal with the subject of the inheritance of anting-antings--some anting-antings must be cleansed by exposure to the four elements and re-consecrated before they can be passed on, while others grow stronger as they are passed from one generation to another.

RLC 203 Oracion: Consecration and Feeding of Anting-anting

Crucial to the activation of any anting-anting, as well as the maintenance of its strength, are prayers of power or "oracion". These prayers are frequently contained in small booklets, libritos, and are a mishmash of pidgin Latin and Hebrew. The prayers are also frequently written as acrostics, shortened versions created with the intent to mislead the uninitiated. There are oracion called Llave which invokes the aid of the divinities, and those called Palakas which unlock all power. Anting-antings must also be regularly "fed" prayers, or they lose their powers. This course will also deal with the concept of "loob", or "inner being", the requirement that users of an anting-anting be purified through rituals/abstentions that prove self-control.

RLC 301 Father God Anting-anting

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear the symbols of the Father God aspect of the Atardar, but it also deals with those that carry symbols particular to the Atardar as a whole. These include those bearing the images of the Unbaptized God, the Alpha-Omega, the Sun, the Tetragramaton, the San Zibar, the Dignum Crucis and the Sagrada Familia. Powers borne by the anting-antings of the Father God include those that protect from bullets, aid in healing, grants good fortune, and control over the emotions of others.

RLC 302 Mother God Anting-anting

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear the symbols of the Mother God aspect of the Atardar, one which itself manifests in different personas, through the divinities known as the Seven Virgins, and via reincarnation throughout history, primarily in women who become religious leaders. The symbols of the Mother God aspect include the Three Crowns, the Immaculate Conception, the Solam Mitam o Matum, the Three Virgins, and the Breastfeeding Virgin. Powers borne by the anting-antings of the Mother God include those that aid in study, prevent rape, ease delivery, and protect against sorcery.

RLC 303 Child God Anting-anting

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear the symbols of the Child God aspect of the Atardar, who is equated with the person of Jesus Christ of the Christian faith. The symbols of the Child God aspect include the Santo Niño, the Cross of Stars, the Ecce Homo, the Iresumad, as well as a deified version of Jose Rizal. Powers borne by the anting-antings of the Child God include those that protect against treachery, and those that protect against evil spirits.

RLC 401 Angel Anting-anting

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear the symbols of the angels. This includes the images of the seven archangels (as a group or individually) or the cherubim. Powers borne by the anting-antings of angels include those that ensure a good catch, protection from wild animals, and for the gift of eloquent speech.

RLC 402 Saint Anting-anting

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear the symbols of the various saints. This includes the images of individual saints such as Anthony of Padua, the Trumpet, or the Crossed Keys. As may be expected, each saint has specific areas of patronage. Powers borne by the anting-antings of saints include those that helps the bearer determine truth, and ensure fortune in business dealings, as well as one which can open locked objects.

RLC 403 Followers of Becca Anting-anting

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear symbols associated with Becca (Lucifer) and other evils. This also includes anting-anting that bear the images of folklore monsters such as the tiyanak or tikbalang. Powers borne by the anting-antings of the followers of Becca include those that cause sleepless nights in the target, and those that harm the child of an enemy. There are also special rules that set these "evil" anting-antings apart from others, such as a specific time that they can be tested, and the effect on the morals of the bearer if they are not regularly "fed" oracion.

RLC 404 Anting-anting Outside the Retablo

This course tackles in detail anting-anting that bear symbols that are not associated with the Retablo of Faith and the Atardar Hierarchy. These include symbols from the Kabbalah or other faiths (the Buddha, Masonic icons, the Wheel of Fortune) or those with no religious significance (Siamese Twins, the Eagle).

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