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We all shared one vehicle, a Chevy Tahoe,  since we were pretty much inseparable and went everywhere with each other.

I called shotgun and Jackson volunteered to take the first driving shift even though we had two immortals who literally needed no sleep and were perfectly capable of driving us all the way. To Jackson, it was just the principle of it all.

Our plan was just get over state lines and then we would find a nice little town to stay in a few days. Then we would drive a little more to another town to make our temporary home. Just the same old same old.

We'd been driving for about an our and I already had my earphones in, listening to one of my favorite musical groups of all time : Boyz II Men

Every time we moved, whoever rode shotgun had the responsibility to make sure no one was following to us.

I checked the side mirror: nothing.

Then, I turned around in my seat just to be thorough and saw something so much better.

In the very back row of seats, Danny was jamming out. Mouthing EVERY word, playing his imaginary piano and swaying to some good ole' music.

"Sing it, Danny." I yelled, unnecessarily, from the front seat.

Danny's eyes met mine and he held out his hand in my direction, telling me to join in. Then, we started belting out the chorus.

"Although we've gone, to the end of the road
Still I can't let go.
It's unnatural.
You belong to me.
I belong to you."

We heard all of the other passengers groan in protest to our spectacular singing but eventually they all joined in. All of us singing from the top of our lungs. Dancing and making complete idiots out of ourselves and gaining concerned looks from most of the other drivers on the highway.

One mom even shielded her child's eyes when Danny got out of his seatbelt and started gyrating his hips.

When the song ended, all of us were out of breath, well, besides Anthony and Evalene.

"Guys, I have a confession to make." Anthony said from the seat behind me.

"Last time I checked we're not priests." I said, jokingly.

"Hey, Kat? How about you shut the hell up before I go all Count Dracula on your ass?" he countered, giving me his best evil vampire impression.

"Just shut up and confess." Jackson groaned from the driver seat.

"Alright, alright," Anthony said, breathing in an unnecessary gulp of air, "I'm tired of the South." he rushed.

Jackson gasped, I turned around so fast that I think I got whiplash and Danny choked on the Coke he was chugging down.

"How can you be tired of the South?!"  Jackson exclaimed.

"Guys, the sun is out 99.9% of the time with no clouds in sight and there are no other vampires for like, a 100,000 mile radius of us." Anthony explained.

"Looking back on it, I guess we have been kind of selfish." I admitted after a few minutes of silence. "I mean we have two vampires that fight their natural instincts and don't tear into our necks and they only hunt animals and never complain. We can't even give them a decent place to live?" I said, feeling like a bitch for not realizing how selfish we were being sooner.

"Well, where the hell do you want us to go?" asked Danny.

Anthony looked at Evalene before answering, then they answered in unison,

"The Northwestern Peninsula."

The Wolves (Re-Write)Where stories live. Discover now