Lesson 20: Seduce Me, Please

Start from the beginning

       He grinned to himself, tossing the phone to the side and slipping on the headphones, turning off the mute. “I’m back,” he greeted.


       Rolling his amber eyes, Mickey retorted, “Such fags.”


Michelle was practically bouncing on her feet. She stared at the beautiful reflection in the mirror and couldn’t help feeling proud of her sister’s finished product.

       To start things off, the outfit was adorable and sexy. It contained a loose, white tank top tucked into her waist-high, goldish-tan skirt, cut off mid-thigh, with golden crosses going over it. To cover any bruises slowly disappearing, she wore a cute, white cardigan that reached past the skirt by a small bit. Megan even lent Michelle her golden flats since Mickey warned her to dress cute and partially comfortable– his exact words.

       Michelle’s head portion was done simple, but perfect. Her hair laid in loose curls on her shoulders, some strands falling into her eyes. She wore black eyeliner and mascara, along with light, golden eye shadow. Her lips were covered in shiny, cherry-flavored lip gloss and, for once, she actually wore a tiny bit of blush to just “add color to the skin of yours”– Megan’s exact words.

       Receiving a text from Mickey to go outside, Michelle grabbed her small clutch bag that only contained money and her cellphone. She sneaked out the window and hurried along the side of the house to the car parked nearby. She didn’t even hesitate when throwing open the door and slipping inside.


       Michelle looked over at Mickey, finding him gawking at her and her outfit. She bit her lower lip, officially feeling nervous about her, or Megan’s, outfit choice. “Uh, sorry,” she apologized, flattening out the skirt. “I wasn’t sure of what to wear, but I could go back and ch–”

       “You look beautiful,” Mickey cut her off, smiling from ear to ear. “Trust me, it’s perfect. Though I think I’m going to find some difficulty in taking my hands off of you tonight…” He shot her a suggestive wink.

       “Hmmm… I was thinking the exact same thing,” she responded, forcing away her shyness. She leaned into him, laying her hand on his chest and trailing it up and down. Michelle wasn’t lying. She doesn’t think she’ll be able to take her hands off of him.

       Mickey wore a dark gray button up that didn’t pass his elbows at all, along with a pair of partially ripped jeans. His hair wasn’t taking long to grow as it was definitely longer than it was on Tuesday. But Michelle didn’t mind his long hair. In fact, she loved it since she could run her fingers through each strand.

       “Lesson twenty,” Mickey spoke, his voice cracking a bit, his breathing taking a pitch. “Just… Seduce me, please.” Humor, and lust, filled his eyes at his words as he stared at her.

       Michelle blushed and pulled away, laying her hands on her lap. “Me? Seducing?” she inquired, biting her lower lip. “No way… Wait, isn’t seducing and flirting the same thing?”

       “Flirting is innocent,” he chimed. “Seducing is… Well, it’s more sexual and sexy.”

       “Uh, I think we should get going,” she stated, feeling her face heating up even more. She looked away. “My parents might get suspicious of a car like this sitting near their house…”

       “Give me a kiss and I’ll start up the car.”

       Michelle’s head snapped back to him and those pools of blue grew wide. “What? No, Mickey! Not here!”

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