Vlog 43: Becoming Mr. Snuckel!

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The alarm blared on the bedside table, and Brian had to roll over in the big bed to reach and turn it off. His blue eyes opened, and adjusted to the small amount of sunlight that came through the window in his hotel room. He hadn't woken up at six in the morning for a very long time... In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had woken up this early. But today? Today was different, today was special; and once that realization hit him, he wasn't very sleepy anymore.

He sat up in bed, still groggy, and looked over at the left side of it. It was empty, cold, and without the body he had come to know and love. It had been forever since he'd slept alone, or without Brock to be more specific. The Irishman had to admit, it did feel a little strange, having a big bed to himself after all this time he and boyfriend had been together. He had to remind himself that they would be reunited in just a few short hours, so, in the meantime, he reached for his camera that was beside the alarm clock, and began his vlog. It was a very important day, so of course he wanted to get it all on camera.

"Hey guys, it's Brian here." His voice was hoarse from sleep and butterflies started to swarm in his belly as he took shaky breaths, pointing the camera at himself. The realization of what today was... Well, it was strong. He was graced by a face splitting smile as he let out the great news. "I'm getting married today..." He trailed off still smiling, he breathed in deeply before yelling, "I'm getting married today!" It was still hard to believe. And he started laughing and gasping as he usually did when he laughed too hard. "I can't believe today, september third, is the day I'm getting married to Brock." He was in a bit of a daze until suddenly, he looked as if he just remembered something important and scrambled for his phone, "I gotta call him and wake him up!"

It was about seven months ago when Brian had proposed. He and Brock had already been together for a little over a year, but it was apparent that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, so he went for it. And after a romantic day of them together, he popped the question, and Brock undoubtedly said yes. From there, the wedding planning commenced, and now, here they were, separated in Ireland, Brian in a hotel, and Brock in Brian's old place, waiting to finally be together to be joined in holy matrimony. It was a bit cheesy, Brian would definitely admit that, but he didn't care. He was happy, and he knew Brock was happy, and ultimately, that was all that mattered in the end.

The phone rang for a few seconds before Brock's sleepy voice suddenly cut through the air. "Hello...?" He groggily asked and Brian couldn't help but to smile a little wider and let a chuckle escape.

"Wake up Moo Moo." He cooed at his husband to be, only to receive a grunt from the older man in response. Brian gasped dramatically while glancing at the camera, "I can't believe that you don't wanna wake up today! That's okay, I guess," He fake sniffed, as if to pretend he was crying. "I'll just wait for you at the altar like the good fiance I am." His tone of voice was playful, an aspect that was a very big part of the relationship he and Brock had. It took a second before what Brian had said registered into Brock's head, and he could practically hear the gears turning. The Irishman only looked at the camera and snickered quietly to himself.

The older man gave a loud gasp before blurting out, "Today's the wedding!" However, Brian didn't have time to give a smart comeback because Brock had already hung up the phone, presumably to get ready, which was what he really hoped he was doing.

Brian could only laugh and shake his head at Brock's antics as he put down his phone. "Another thing to add to the infinite list of why I fell in love with him." He ran a hand through his tousled hair, and gave a bit of a sigh. "Okay guys, I'm gonna have to stop recording for now because I have to get ready but I will try to record what I can." He turned the camera off and made his way to the bathroom in the hotel with a huge grin on his face; this whole situation seemed surreal to him. But in just a few short hours, he and Brock would be on their way to the church to become husbands. He couldn't believe that today was finally the day.

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