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"Time to go," Anthony said, blurring through the hotel door, Evalene on his heels.

"What?" I questioned.

"We caught a scent of some from your old wolf pack on the edge of town," Anthony explained, looking at Daniel, who was watching a basketball game with Jackson.

I saw Daniel immediately stiffen. Danny didn't have a great history with his past pack and once we heard his story about them, we hated them just as much as he did, if not more.

Anthony's words sent Jackson and me into action. We immediately got up and started packing. We knew the drill.

"Do you know how many?" Danny asked, slowly getting off the bed.

"Three." Evalene said, gathering her clothes, blurring all over the room.

"Well, at least they're not finding us any faster." Jackson said.

And he was right. The last place we were at, we got to stay for almost nine months before they found us. We got to stay here for almost a year.

"So, whatever we're doing, it's working." I said, desperately look for my earphones. We'd be on the road again as soon as everyone got all their stuff together.

"I'm sorry, guys." Daniel muttered from in front of the mirror.

"Danny, you say that every time." I said, walking over to where he was standing. "We all have a past, we've all done things we regret and yeah, karma's a bitch so it's all going to come back and bite us in the ass but we just have to roll with the punches." I said, rubbing small circles on his back.

"Yeah, so suck it up, take your ass bite and let's get the hell out of here." Anthony said, taking my luggage, the last luggage, out to the car.

"I can't believe I'm taking orders from vampires now." Danny smirked as he threw his arm around my shoulder and we left.

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