one ; never mind.

21 3 1

a/n ; :D enjoy!


him, he has green forest eyes that'd make me feel weak whenever I stare into his eyes. his sharp jawline that'd make my finger bleed whenever I trace his jawline. he is just.. perfect unlike me, I'm weak. I'm just a nerd and he's a popular kid with a big gold heart that will make people fall in love with. unlike me, I'm fragile, a worthless and a-.. never mind.

I wish I could be like that either, but sadly. this is what I am. I saw him, laughing with his friends in the cafeteria today. call me a stalker, I dare you.

"zee?" I tears my gaze to look at my best friends, perrie and niall. they are both are siblings, they are really nice and I'm so glad to have them as my best friends.

"yes?" I asks softly, putting my glasses down on the table. niall runs a hand through his messy brunette hair, sighing.

"are you alright, you seems a bit down and your skin-"he hesitates, glancing down at my no longer tan skin. oh, I realise that I, becoming paler and paler than before. there are two reasons why.

first of all, I haven't eat for two days, straight, and second, maybe I accidentally press the blade a little harder.

"earth to zayn!"

I quickly snap out of it with a small 'huh'. I look up at perrie from my sketchbook just to see her tiny smirk.

"you have a crush on harry?" she squeals slightly loud causing the whole people in the cafeteria looking at her in confusion. I can see the blush starting to appear across her face, she quickly shakes head and smiles.

I look to my left just to see him. he is glaring at me with those green forest eyes, I can see his teeth grits in anger.

"zayn, oi!" niall snaps his fingers RI front of me making me to gasp in surprise.

"you startled me,"

"no, do you really have a crush on him?" he quickly asks, raising his eyebrow in confusion. I bit my lip feeling slightly scared.

"I um- never mind,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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