Blood love

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She wept on the floor and he watched, not knowing what to say. He was never good with words.

"You're right, Malfoy, I'm a Mudblood!" She screamed.

He looked at the girl with wild eyes, what was she doing?

"A filthy, Mudblood!" She cries out loud. She rolls up her sleeve to look at the marking on her arm.

He says nothing as she cries. What could he say?

"After all this time! I'm still a Mudblood. Now more than ever!" She exclaims furiously.

Draco finally snapped back into reality from his trance.

"Granger..." He says quietly. They had been feuding for the past few months since the school opened up but when he found her sobbing in the Owlery with nobody else around, he couldn't help but feel sympathy.
"It wasn't you fault." He manages to say.

Hermione moves from her fatal position, "Not my fault?!" She yells in disbelief.

"Harry and Ron left me! They screamed at me and said I was worthless!" She cries with tears in her eyes. "You were right! Pure-bloods are always going to be better than stupid little Mudbloods." She whispers.

He couldn't help but feel horrible for ever calling her that, for the scar on her arm. She cries for a few more moments.

"Granger, them leaving was not your fault. It couldn't have been. Why did the-" She cuts him off.

"They left because... This is what Harry said before the yelling match." She began to recite what had happened.



"Hermione, don't you see we don't need you anymore? You served your purpose. Stop being so full of yourself. 'Brightest witch of her age', you're so naive!" Harry said loudly.

Ron smirked, "Thats right! We used you, you were innocent and naive because you only wanted friends!" He sneered.

"That night with the troll, it was the perfect chance to get you to trust us!" Harry says.

"Of course you came in handy until that day at the Manor, you nearly gave us away. Hate when we decided when to drop you off. That we didn't need you anymore. Once the battles were over we'd leave you, like everybody does." Ron growls.

Her eyes had been attempting to keep in the tears but they began falling. She had believed that these two were her best friends for seven years!

"You're pathetic! Crying... Why would you bother? Everyone leaves you, why would you think we were any different?" Harry snaps.

She finally gather the nerve to speak back, "You're wrong! Not everyone leaves me, it's not me th-that's pa-pathetic... I-it's y-you..." She whimpers toward the end. They were right and she was wrong.

"You know we're right, if you don't now, you will when we are successful Aurors and you're on the unemployment list!" Sneers Ron.

The tears fell freely from her face and they turned away.


Hermione was crying harder now, she hadn't known that she was so naive and vulnerable.

She hadn't known that her best friends for seven years would stab her in the back like that.

"I hate this! I hate being a witch! Things were so much simpler before! My parents don't know I exist! I have no friends! I'm failing my classes!" She screams and cries some more.

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