I jump up and run over to her; I pull her into my arms and am about to untie her but, father stops me.

"The Dark Lord said that he would come back when she is to be untied." He said and I hold Kylie close to me.

"How long was I unconscious?" I ask. "About half an hour." Mother told me. "What about Kylie?" I ask."She passed out about five minutes after you." She said and sat down next to me.

"I think it's because of the ropes. They might be too tight for her to breathe." Mother said. My eyes widen and I look at Kylie's face, terrified that she probably can't breathe.

I hear somebody apparate in and I don't even have to turn around to know who it is.

"She can be untied." He said and disapparates. I untie Kylie immediately and she starts to breathe heavily. I sigh in relief, knowing she's okay.

"Take her upstairs, Draco." Father said and Mother & I exchanged a look. She walked over to him and started talking to him while I picked Kylie up in my arms.

I carried her upstairs to the room we've been in and lay her on the bed. I sit next to her and just stroke her hair as her shaky breaths become even again.

When she wakes up, I hug her tight. She hugs back and I feel tears fall onto my shirt. I pull away to see her beginning to cry. One look into her eyes tells me that somebody hurt her when I couldn't protect her.

I crush her to me and swear that I'm going to pound whoever hurt her. "Who hurt you Kylie?" I ask carefully.

"J-John." She stuttered and I hold her tighter. He's definitely my least favorite Carter right now.

"What did he do?" I ask through gritted teeth. "He told me things and he, he, he h-h-hurt me. He pr-pressed against the sc-scars on my b-b-back." She sobbed.

"What did he tell you?" I ask cautiously.

"He said that it was my fault that you were getting cursed and traumatized. That if I hadn't run away, it wouldn't have happened. He said that you could easily leave me for somebody prettier and smarter. That I was an ugly, pathetic, idiotic nobody who deserves to die alone any second. Said that if I wasn't so idiotic, then I could have had a chance to save you from the Curse. He pressed against my scars three times, each time harder than the last." She told me.

"Kylie, it was not your fault. I started the fight and got cursed for it. And if you hadn't run away, they could have possibly killed you by now. And I will NEVER leave you. In my eyes, nobody is prettier than you. Yes, there will be people smarter than you but, that's life. You're plenty smart for me and you get smarter everyday. You are not ugly or pathetic or idiotic or a nobody. And you won't die alone. Because when you die, I'll still be yours. I've been yours since the day we met; you're not an idiot. And he shouldn't have pressed your scars; I just want to pound him for doing that to you." I told her.

She nods against my chest and starts to calm down; I lay next to her and she curls into me. I stroke her hair as she finally calms down.

"I love you Kylie." I told her. "I love you too Draco. But, I'm so scared." She whispered.

"Don't worry Kylie. I'm right here and I won't let anybody get to you." I told her. She kissed my cheek and layed her head on my shoulder; I layed my cheek against her head.

"Things aren't going to get easier; are they Draco?" She asked me. "I don't think so Kylie. If anything, they're only going to get harder. But, we'll get through it together." I told her.

"Why do you let yourself get cursed Draco?" She asked but, didn't move her head.

"For you. I take the Curse to protect you from my father and Voldemort. I don't want anybody to hurt you, ever. So, I take the Curse instead of you." I explained.

"For me?" She asked. "Yes, for you. You're my everything Kylie, and I'll do whatever I have to in order to protect you." I told her sincerely.

"Really?" She asks and finally lifts her head up; she looks into my eyes. "Really." I told her, not breaking eye contact. "You're my everything too." She said and layed her head on my chest, sighing in content.

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me Draco." She said. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Kylie. My life is complete with you in it." I told her.

She jolted up and sat there; I noticed that her eyes were fogged over and I shook her gently for a few minutes before she came back.

"Kylie, what's wrong?" I asked. "Just a vision. That's all." She assured me. "But, I think we're going to have another crazy year."

"What was your vision about?" I ask. She chuckled. "The Ministry is going to be interfering at Hogwarts." She said.

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