Chapter 1

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" This is it, princess. Your first day at Hogwarts. Your mom and I couldn't have been more proud. " A man in his late thirties said to a little girl who he held by the shoulders and crouching down to her height. It was no doubt they were related or in other words, father and daughter. You could almost immediately spot the resemblance of the two. From their raven hair to the way they carried themselves. " Remember, no matter what house you'll be placed in, we'll always be proud, and never think of the other houses as your enemies, they are your friends. Remember what me and your mother taught you? "

" Treat other people as you would like them to treat you. " The little raven haired girl said and his father smiled. Mirroring the same smile the little girl had. The only difference between the two was their eyes. While his father had striking blue eyes the little girl had warm brown eyes that if you look close enough, has specks of green on them.

The man, named Kenneth Xeleonè was a former worker in the Ministry but soon stopped since he had to take care of little Adelaide Xeleonè when she was six,sadly when her mother died, no one could take care of little Adelaide and so, he quit his job and took care of her, himself.

Kenneth Xeleonè was a graduate at Hogwarts himself, but soon moved to france where he met Nicole DeLune. A french witch whom he fell for deeply and...the feeling was mutual, and their love blossomed and came Adelaide Nicole Xeleonè, a beautiful girl who inherited her mother's eyes and his father's hair. She was a spitting image of Nicole Xeleonè nee DeLune but was exactly like Kenneth. After Nicole's death, Kenneth left the Ministry and became a doctor at a muggle hospital when Adelaide turned nine years old.

" Oh, Godric... My little girl has grown up! " Kenneth exclaimed and stood up looking down at the 11 year old Adelaide whom beemed brightly at her dad whilst she held a rather large book in her hands. The words in the front of the book was written in french.

" Dad, I'm 11.. I'm barely grown up! " She rolled her eyes. Not soon after her father threw her in a big bear hug.

" I'm gonna miss you, princess... " Her father whispered into her ear.

" I'm gonna miss you too dad. I'll send you letters every end of the week. I hope your gonna be okay. " Adelaide sighed whilst still hugging her dad.

Pulling away, Kenneth kissed the top of her head and murmured. " Be good. "

" I will. " She answered.

" I love you, princess.. your mother does as well. Take good care of yourself alright? " Kenneth asked.

" Alright. Take good care of yourself too, please don't forget to not over work yourself. I love you, dad.. as well as mom. I'll make you proud. " Adelaide promised.

" We're already proud. " He smiled, a happy and proud light in his eyes before he send his daughter off. Wishing her the best of luck.

Strolling through the crowd, Adelaide finally made it to the front where she gave her trunks and owl she calls Lune. All except for the messenger bag slung onto her small form, and the strange big book on her small hands and she went on her way, proceeding to enter the train.

It was still quite early so she was one of the few students whom get to pick a compartment, and she did.. It was one in the far back, maybe the 5th from the last. Closing the compartment door, she then placed the messenger bag next to her and seated herself by the window and glanced outside where she saw her dad leaving, apparently her father has a shift in the hospital but made time to send her daughter off.

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