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Once a pon nobody gave a fuck , it's all said and done and my cocks been sucked.

Zayn ran a hand through his hair and groaned softly , his head throbbed , memories from the night before flashing through his mind . Zayn rolled over , realizing he wasn't in his own house . A tuft of blonde hair stuck out from under the blanket , "Niall," Zayn grunted "Get your lazy ass up." He mumbled , pushing the Irish lad off the bed.

With a few curse words , the fake blond stood up "Well , my ass is sore and I'm going to be lazy today." He mumbled , crossing his arms with a huff,  sitting back down with a wince "Anyways , what time is it?"Zayn shrugged , grabbing his phone . His honey coloured eyes nearly bulged out of his skull as he saw his had fifteen minutes until work. The twenty three year old jumped off from the bed and ran to the bathroom .

Pulling on his black jeans and a random band shirt from the previous night , soon grabbing Nialls tooth brush and quickly brushing his teeth. He didn't care that he used the other boys toothbrush they had been bestfriends /fuck buddies now / since middle school.  Slipping on his favorite pair and only pair on black converse he flattened down his raven black hair while he ran out to his car and started to the café.


Zayn had just gotten back from his break and he tied the apron back around himself , a bored sigh leaving his lips.
The café had been relatively busy today but things were starting to calm down , so the Muslim man pulled out his phone and began scrolling through random peoples Instagrams.

  His hazel eyes looked up as has heard the small bell ring so he stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"How may I help you?" Zayn smiled cheekily at a short curly haired boy walked in , cut off overalls and a pink and white stripped shirt underneath.  Zayn furrowed his eyebrows as he didn't get an answer , but he shrugged it off . He soon saw the small boy take out a note pad and scribble furiously on it , his tongue sticking out in concentration.

Just a small caramel frappe please .

Zayn read the small writing and smiled "That will be right up ."
Zayn smiled again a began making the drink. Once he was done he walked to the boy and gave it to him "That will be 1.84$" He hummed.

The curly haired boy pulled a purple wallet from his backpack and gave Zayn exact change. Once he gave the money , he grabbed his pencil and notepad before quickly exiting the café.

For the rest of the day , Zayn had the curly haired boy dressed in cut off overalls and a pink stripped shirt with a note pad in his mind.

AN// Hello everyone , It's Nouh . I've risen from the dead. But some things have gone on. I don't have a phone anymore because of my douche canoe father. My parents are fighting for custody and my father sucks and grounded me so I don't have a computer or phone . Lol , anyways so I'm here with a zarry story. Its Café!Zayn Dominate!Zayn and Girly!Harry Mute!Harry Submissive!Harry Fetus!Harry. Harry is going to be eighteen and Zayn is obviously twenty three so there's that! I unpublished my other stories because I didn't like them very much , I'm going to be a 5 Seconds of Summer and a One Direction fan fiction account (All of them will be gay , not all will be ships some will just be gay with one of the boys lol ) Anyways, that's all for now , all the love my gaylings ,

Daddy Nouh 💦

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