The argument

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Later that day, when school ended, Larisa walked home, went upstairs to her bedroom and flung her bag on the floor. She then put a record on and lay down on her bed. In the middle of her favourite song off the album, Larisa's mum opened the door and stared disappointedly at her daughter.

"Is listening to music and playing guitar all you ever do? You're flunking school and all you care about is music! Start studying instead of listening to this garbage!", Larisa's mother shouted.

"Studying? You really think my aim is to get good grades?! We've been through this and whether you like it or not I'm dropping out of school! You don't need grades or a degree to be a successful musician!", Larisa argued back.

"Playing music isn't gonna pay the bills is it? What will get you a good life is having studied hard with a good job that is well respected! Do you really think rock stars are well respected people?, her mother exclaimed in anger.

"Just because you don't like music, doesn't mean other people will be exactly the same!, Larisa screamed in fury at her ignorant mother. Although she knew her mum cared for her, Larisa refused to let her control her career choice. She just didn't want to be stuck with a normal 9-to-5 job that wasn't going to make her happy.

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