Chapter 1

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Hi! If you are reading this, Thanks (You're Awesome!), If you took the effort to click the vote button, THANK YOU! This chapter is set around season 6, so Soulless Sam!After this the story line will change There will be spoilers.

On that happy note, Chapter 2!

Maddi xx


-The Apocalypse

-Sam fell into the pit

-Dean went to live with Lisa

-Cas is back, new and improved.

-Sam is back, but missing the whole 'soul' thing.



Chapter One


The woman circles the man, who is tied to the chair with heavy chains. "Who do you work for?" She says, so calm yet radiating anger. The man blinks, and in a flash his eyes change to a solid black. "Who's askin?" He, or 'It' says in response, with a snide smile that looks out of place on the face it has borrowed. The girl smiles cruelly and pulls out a flask, uncapping the top and in a flash of movement gestures towards the demon dousing him in holy water.

He screams and twists, his smirk gone in a second. "You FUCKING BITCH!" He yells in a rage. She leans in close and whispers in her same angry calm voice "Don't. Lie. To. Me. You know who I am, and your boss has been sending you black eyed bastards after me ever since Lucifer's pathetic attempt at an Apocalypse! So tell me WHO YOU WORK FOR OR I WILL SEND YOU RIGHT BACK TO HELL" Then she turns to a table behind her, chestnut hair flowing behind her, and grabs a book. She flips to a specific page and begins reading "Exorcizamus te. Omnis immundus spiritus" The demon, squirming in his chair yells out, with none of his original bravado

"STOP. Stop. I'll tell you... Even though Crowley 'll have my arse for it"

The girl turns with a satisfied smirk and says "Good, now tell me what you know about me, who 'Crowley' is, and why he's after me!" The demon sighs and says "You are Danielle Walker, a human, a hunter who mainly kills bloodsuckers. No family -anymore, vamps took care of that, and almost everyone you know is dead, so you hunt alone now. Crowley is the new Lucifer, King of Hell, and he wants you dead because recently you have been killing every demon you can find. Simple as that."

Through all of this the girl is quiet but when he finishes she sighs. "Fantastic" she whispers "The king of hell wants me dead" Then she turns back to the table and picks up the book again. "You bitch, you said you were gonna let me go!" The demon says "I'll be torn apart by Crowley's hounds!" She smirks and says "Not my problem babe." and begins the ritual again "Exorcizamus te"


"Omnis immundus"


"Spiritus omnis satanica"


She pauses, her jaw clenching, and continues.

"Got you there, didn't I sweetheart?" He interrupts her again. The girl looks down wearily. "Can you please not interrupt me when I'm trying to boot your ass back into the pit? Look! Now I have to start again."

The demon says "Why don't you believe me? I've got nothing to lose now, going back to hell means certain death, staying here means probable death. I like my chances here a little more. There was something I didn't tell you."

"Fine, please tell me. I thoroughly enjoy listening to well rehearsed lies."

"It is about Dean Winchester"

"Dean died. In fact, he's stamping on your home turf"

"That's a lie. He did go to hell, but he's back."

"That's impossible." She says flatly "Believe me, they wouldn't even take my soul."

The demon shakes his head, the dark hair of the man he's possessing moving along with him. "Listen, you know about what happened at the final showdown right? Sam Winchester and Adam Milligan? Lucifer and Michael? All in the pit. But there were other people there as well! Castiel, an angel, Bobby Singer and Dean Winchester, who was dragged out of hell by Castiel two years ago, six months after he got thrown in to the pit!" The demon holds eye contact as the girls face pales. "No, no that's not true! I was at his funeral! I saw his body! He would have called, or something" Suddenly she regains her lost composure, and picks up the book again, repeating the ritual.

"Exorcizamus te"

"I still don't see how this counts as letting me go"

"Omnis Immundus"

"And that is not English. In fact I'm pretty sure, that's Latin. But hey, it couldn't be an exorcism ritual because you promised to let me go, Right? Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what I-"

"-Beg" Danielle dropped the book back onto the table for the third time, barely containing her indescribable anger. "What?" The demon said, shocked. She turned to face him and her eyes almost glowed with hate. "You heard me. Beg."


"Because you are a demon, and you, filth that you are, have insulted me in every possible way. So beg." After she finished, there was a silence, so she yet again turned to grab the book.

After the ritual was complete, she untied the poor guy who was possessed and waited for him to wake up. A few minutes later, the man sat up, blinking. When he saw her, he scrambled backwards muttering something. Danielle reached out a hand and said "What's your name?"

The man looked up at her fear in his eyes "Andy" he whispered, so quietly that you might not have heard.

"Well Andy, where do you live? I'm taking you home."

xx Maddi xx

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