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Zinnia's POV

I let out a successful scream even though I just woke up. Too much act for the entitled as the fine---sophisticated woman of all. It's my 1st day of vacation! My promotions were successfully finished in a blink. It required a lot of effort and dedication--which I fully am, so easy peasy. First one to call me is Kyung, greeting me a wonderful morning. There's no place I'd like to go at the moment since I want peace of mind, so I invited Kyung over.

He arrived in no time.

"Hi Zinnia!" He enthusiastically greeted me and went in.

"Wow! Smells great. I brought you something~"

Kyung opened the box he was carrying and in it is a freaking cheesecake. My appetite for the grilled cheese I made relinquished.

"Your grilled cheese is still the same. Tasting so scrumptious. Making me crave for more." Kyung gazed over me leaving a small smile on his face. That handsome face I hate so much, I can't resist myself. Just then, he withdrew a hanky from his pocket and eagerly wiped sweat off from my face. I was sweating in a 16 degrees apartment. What on earth is going on with you, Zinnia!?

"Oh I forgot to give you this. Here."

I opened the wrapped picture frame and I was totally shocked to see a portrait of me. A 16 x 20 picture frame of me?!

"I took that photo secretly when we were supposed to meet." Kyung showed a sly grin to me. "I couldn't help myself since you were breathtakingly beautiful."

I wanted to cry. Receiving a gift from someone you really like is a lot different from receiving a gift from a fan. Thoughts are considered and highly appreciated. But receiving it from Kyung is out of the universe. I want to explode right now, I feel so euphoric. He called me beautiful too. Those words he just said.. he never told me that until today. Kyung may be playful but he's too careful with his words.

"Is there anything you want to do, now it's your vacation?" Kyung placed his chin on his palm while watching me savor the cheesecake he gave. Anything I want to do? Well, I want to go to places that have activities. Hmm, maybe Lotte world? Nah, we've been there a lot of times. Shopping may be boring but as of now, that's the only thing I am eager to do.

"Mall" I grinned.

"Your wish is my command," He poked my shoulder. I poked him back too! And that's where he started tickling me until eventually, both of us landed on the sofa.

Kyung locked me around his arms, bringing me closer to him. Our friendship didn't involve skinship aside from tickling and nudging and slapping and pushing. He hugged meeeee!! Am I in cloud 9!? I can't help but to giggle as I savor the moment. We didn't speak for a while, feeling the arousing of comfortable atmosphere. Somehow, I'm afraid our friendship is.. platonic. A hundred boo-hoo percent platonic. I ain't sure with Kyung's feelings but with mine? There is no doubt. I mean, I tried picturing him as every girls' worst nightmare. Ya'know. Like, a nerd, a freak, an obsessed wacko and even as a murderer but I still am fond of him no matter what I picture him of. I'm ready and willing to accept who he truly is, his capabilities, his weaknesses and—which is inevitable—what he might turn to.

"Mind sharing what's on your mind?" He asked.

"I need you boyy~ his name is Y.O.U~" I sang Kim Johan's song instead of answering him.

Yeah, the song where Kyung featured. This man, I am hugging right now, is a jack of all trades. Kyung got to catch every single talent God dropped. Not to mention, his looks too. Although... God must've fed him too much cucumber.

It was as if the doorbell made me wake up from daydreaming. I abruptly pushed Kyung away that made me fall on my back. Aww, that hurts.

Kyung gave an inaudible laugh while helping me up. I opened the door and saw Suwa smiling innocently. Suwa is my label mate, like me, she is also a good singer but, unlike me, she's in a band. Oh gosh, she is so pretty and slim. I left the door ajar for her to come in. We're not that close, and it's her first time ringing my bell although her unit is just adjacent from mine.

"Thanks, Zinnia. Our promotions are coming so I'm gonna be busy lately. Made up my mind, it's better if we get to know each other. Ya'know.." Suwa nudged at me with a bright smile. Wow, she is right. I'm a pioneer trainee but it's like I kept building walls between the other trainees and as well as the artists. I'm such an introvert. My only true friend is Kyung. Well hey, I still consider the other six bees my friends too. Pfft, my true friends can be counted by hand.

"Kyung and I will shop later. You wanna join?" I eyed Kyung but my brows met upwards when saw him avoiding my look. As if he didn't hear me. 

Suwa looked at him, surprised. 

"Oh! Kyung is here? I've heard a lot about him. I didn't know you two were friends." 

Wait what? Kyung has been sitting there ever since she came in, but Suwa didn't notice him? Wow, Kyung is such a ghostie. I invited Suwa to sit and served her a slice of cheesecake. Oh, Zinnia please don't feel awkward. Please, don't.

"Yea, we're still in our mothers' womb, we're already friends." I smiled at her.

"Ah, I bet both of you have a wonderful friendship." Suwa remarked. I got a slap from that. Two words, one painful slap. Wonderful friendship. Ar, yeah. 

I didn't know if they noticed but a bitter smile drew across my face. 

"Zinnia, I want your hair like that." Kyung pointed at the screen as if he wasn't listening at all. Maybe he's just too busy watching. I looked at it and my heart fell. Short hair!? Agh, I'm not into short hair but why does he want it for me? 

"It suits you, Zinnia. I can imagine it already." Suwa excitingly grabbed my hands.

It does? All I know is that this blonde of mine is the only thing that suits me. Hey, I'm not a dumb blond girl. Quit stereotyping. 

"I can give it a try." I shrugged my shoulders as if it wasn't affecting me. Actually, it is. I'm having a hard time growing my hair. It barely reaches my chest. I've got to ask manger first if I can cut my hair. He might freak out once he see my hair short. 

"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" Suwa jumped from the seat. 

Ohh boy.

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