The investigator

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I looked out the window of the car as I saw them wrap police tape around the fence of the house. A cute little house. One with a white picket fence. A little mailbox at the curb of the driveway. Where a small family, a mommy, a daddy, and a little girl or boy lived. It's that kind of house.

Well, was. The happily ever after, not so happy at all. Now its more of once upon a time gone wrong. The once clear windows were shot out, the siding worn out, the door now taken out. The roof was basically falling off. There was nothing happy about this house. Then again the story why that smile was turned upside down, let's just say it doesn't exactly make a good fairy tale story.

I wrapped my shawl around my shoulders tighter and shuddered at the thought that some people have the heart to do something so evil. Something that would be taken out on a family that didn't even deserve it.

They were that family on the street. The one that everyone said hi to when they passed by. The one that baked brownies and handed them out. The mom was the kind lady on the street, always smiling and gardening. the dad the go to guy to fix what ever was broken that day.

But I knew better. There was always some sort of catch. The only problem, I don't know what that catch was. Actually, no one did. Not even the police. Although just by the looks they had on their faces, they had a clue.

Sadly, what ever they do, it won't be enough. The person was already gone, long gone. And maybe they will find him, or her but there is only such a slim chance that they might have a chance. Though, I don't have much faith in them this time.

I've witnessed too many of these in my short lifetime. In only 19 years I've seen and known more than the average girl. My dad being a detective and my mom working for the CIA, well I've been trained from a young age how to detect things.

I was off to University today anyways. Leaving behind another broken neighborhood. But the worst part was never saying good bye. It was not who I was leaving. It was what.

Looking up at the house again I saw something that I've become too familiar with. Everywhere we moved there was always something else. Someone else. Dead, hurt, broken. Another crime unsolved. A crime that would not be taken lightly in some heart. Something that has scarred so many different types of people, and not only the immediate family. A community. A city.

Those feelings were numbed now. I didn't personally know what a loss really was. Never has the crime been around me. Well, effected me as much as it probably should.

The only time we moved was when a crime like this would occur. We were under the government and as soon as a crime happens around us we were deported immediately. We were under the witness protection program. Though no one ever told me what that really was.

I rolled up my window and put on my seatbelt and finally turned my head and thoughts away from the scene. It wasn't worth it anymore. I had more things to think about now. University and a whole life ahead of me. And no one was going to stop me from getting to where I wanted to get.


Well that's what my thoughts were when I was 19. I'm 21 now, and things are different.

The police tape was something that meant something to me now. To my family, my friends, to any one that meant anything to me. But no one bothered to care about the situation. They take it the same way they take everything.

With no emotion. More annoyed. And can you blame them? I mean some people just are emotional wrecks when it comes to this. It is quite annoying sometimes. They sometimes cry for hours on end, quite dramatically if you ask me. But they were utterly surprised when they saw me. No tears, no drastic actions they needed to take care of and why would they. I'm not a child, I am an adult now and I was going to make sure that these families hit by these events were brought justice. What ever that justice may be.

I wasn't going to be emotional about it, but not heartless. Just hard hearted so I can keep myself strong. Strong for those that didn't have strength, that could stay tough and keep it together.

That was going to be me. Well you should get to know me first I guess.

I'm Amelia Gate, crime scene investigator in training. The third generation in my family to do so as this was a good profession. I had training in several martial arts, knew how to operate a gun (automatic and machine), and knew survival like it was the back of my hand. But there was one thing I wasn't prepared for.

Friends that turn on you, training that brings pain to a new level, a new mystery to solve and one thing that I was sure I would never face. Boy problems.

Especially when he is going to be in position higher than me, though he is my partner. But there are things that I know aren't out in the open yet.

That crime in that happily ever after house, still burned a memory in my mind. The face of that little child staring up at me wanting me to answer the simple questions that I will never know the answer to. But there is something I didn't see coming.

Surprises that change your life in a matter of seconds.

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