Chapter one - Reed

Start from the beginning

"Shit! Why?" Slamming his fists on the marble top, he still could not believe it. His Michelle! His very sweet soft spoken Michelle sleeping with his Bestfriend. He could no longer weight down whose betrayal was more heavier -- more painful. Those two had been equally important to him. He felt thoroughly and equally fucked up. His felt hollow and sad overwhelming him from inside to out.

He forced back the tears that was forming on his eyes. His papi had often told him that men cry for those who deserved it. He knew Michelle wasn't worth his tears. But still the pain was still there, he had loved her afterall. Still loved her.

"Reed? Reed, is that you." Reed had heard someone calling his name and reluctantly turned his body to the right. The man beside Reed was someone of medium built, his black hair was style brushed up. He was wearing a Ray bans sunglasses so Reed couldn't exactly tell who it was. But the man's voice was somewhat familiar, it was rough, probably Scottish or Irish. He just couldn't remember from who it was.

"Excuse me but do I know you of somewhere else?"

"What? It's me, Jake! You know back in highschool?" The man took off his glasses. Reed narrowed his eyes as it dawned on him

"Jake? Buddy! What is that really you? But what happened to the Verdi beard? Also look at you! Where did the fat all go?" Reed exclaimed completely surprised. Reed's circle of friends consisted with only two persons: Jake and.. Ken. He was typically the jock while ken was the bookworm and Jake was well, the eater. But Reed never shammed Jake for his body and weight after all he was his best friend. They have been friends ever since Reed had saved Jake from bullies back at third grade and they have been inseparable there after. But during their sophomore year, his mom's work asked her to transfer to New York. Though they still communicated years after that, it stopped when Reed was shipped to Afghanistan.

Looking at Jake now was like seeing someone who did a full transformation.

"Aye, two years ago, I got myself enlisted in the Scottish Air Force. Shredded some fats into muscles and potato chips with MRE. I have to say potato chips never felt tasty for me eversince." Jake said, ordering a bottle of beer for himself.

"More like buffed like stuffed meat. I tell you military are always the best to shred some pounds." Reed chuckled as he faced the marble top to order another drink.

"Aye, I have to agree on you with that one, my lad. But hell, going to the military should be the last on the list. You'll have to face drill sergeants AKA the devil before you get your wish." Jake said, taking a drink of his beer.

"I get that you just got out of service? After all the Scottish Military also required two years right?" Reed concurred

"Aye, just a few weeks ago. You?"

"Ahh, just today actually."

"Ah, then why are you here all alone in a bar? Does Loke know that you're coming home? How about Michelle?" Jake asked as he placed his beer on the side. Of course, Jake would ask. After all, he was the one who first hooked up Reed with Michelle. He was the bridge that connected the Jock prince and the nerdy princess of West high. Remembering that felt like bullet guns holed in Reed's heart.

"No, I was gonna surprise her by not telling her. I planned to pay her a surprise visit on her apartment. I mean, I still had the spare key which she gave me four years ago." Reed's voice was hollow and filled with void.

"Then let me ask you again, why are you here? You know how much Michelle hates you getting drunk. Is there something wrong with you these days?"  Reed had noticed that instead of ordering another bottle of beer, Jake ordered water.

"Done drinking? You only had one bottle." Reed asked confused. He tried to change the topic.

"Yeah, Like I want to be addicted to alcohol. You know what happened to dad." Jake explained, his voice somewhat sad. Reed had known, Jake's father had died because of alcoholism or the addiction of alcohol. That time was indeed the hardest moment for Jake, but his family and friend were there for him. Reed was there when Jake wanted to hike Mt. Willis to let off steam, he was there for his friend. "Forget about that, tell me whats wrong Reed. I know you long enough to know that you were changing the topic of the conversation. Now spill it."

"Shit Jake! Can you give me a break? I just saw Michelle screwing with Ken. Goddammit, Ken of all people." Reed's hands were fisted tightly, he just wanted to punch someone, something--anything. Reed saw Jake's eyes widened.

"What?! Are you serious? Fuck! I had that Ken aways that crush on Michelle, but I didn't think he would be such a dusch to steal her away from you. And Michelle, what the hell was she thinking?" Jakes exclaimed.

What the fuck? Why haven't I noticed or knew of this?

"Wait, Jake. Let me get your facts straight. You said you knew that Ken had a crush on Michelle and you did not tell me? Since when?" Reed yet again felt betrayed. He felt like the world he thought he knew was not the true world after all.

"Look man..." Jake tried to explain.

"Tell me Jake, since when" Reed's voice was quite and low.

"Since eight grade. Look, I did not tell you not because I don't want to ruin your friendship with him but because I thought that it was not my place to tell. I strongly believed in the brother code and even though we haven't really practiced or talked about that, I trusted Ken the way I trust you." Jake explained, lifting his hand in surrender.

Jake's revelation only made Reed angrier. He was like a Kettle corn ready in any minute to explode. Without saying another word, Reed stood up, ready to see someone's nose gets churned up in blood.

"Woah! Where are you going buddy?" Reed heard Jake say, but he was beyond saving. He was beyond angry. The second later, Jake was already in front of him.  They were already outside the bar. Reed felt the West city breeze brushing his skin. "Jake, get out of my way or I'll swear I'll get to see two bloody nose tonight." Although he said that, Reed knew he could not fight par on par with Jake. With his 6 feet height, Jake's 6'4 always towers almost anything.

"No, Reed. You are not thinking straight! Go home. Spend sometime with your family. I mean you'll be the one to succeed the business right? Violence is not the solution to everything. Keep your busy." Reed did not say a thing nor did he moved. He was beyond angry but Jake was right. Nothing he could do not could change everything. He knew that if only the two had been open about him about their relationship, he would have been able to forgive them even support them. But they didn't and that made a wound that will leave a scar.

" I won't freaking forgive them, Jake. I freaking wont." He said as he felt silently streaming down his face. He hastily wiped it with the back of the hand. Heck, he was a man. Men weren't suppose to cry, they protect their woman. But it still hurt.

"I know buddy, I know." Jake said, sitting down on the pavement of the road. "Come on, let's take you home. I'm sure papi Loke will be sure pleased to see his son home again. I know it'll be tough for you but I'm sure you'll get through this, Reed. I'm sure you will."

"I just fucking wish Jake. I just fucking wish." He knew that moving on would be hard but he knew he could do it, but when he does, he had promised to himself not to be foolish enough to trust people anymore.

Reed Shyle, let this pain be your reminder that love is only for fools.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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