Loved .... Being inlove... Be inlove

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What is life without love?
Will it be worth it?
Would it bring joy?
Would it cause pain?
My journey is quite long...but I can't say much about my journey with love.
I could say I'm both fire and ice..
I can be cold but passionate deep down inside
They are different forms of love I have met in my journey.
The undying and unequal love we could give to our family. We pour all our being without expecting anything in return.. This is a magnificent form of love..
The happiness and joy brought by the love of our friends, the moment we shared...the secrets we can freely share..they are the one who could understand your struggles keep hidden from your loved ones..a cheering squad and sometimes a devils advocate...
The love we gave to someone we hope to share our life with..that someone we hope to call our own..the one we hope to be the center of our universe and you as theirs...we all hope to hear the line " you complete me".....but sad to say only a few had a very happy ever after...
Loving someone does not entail to have your world revolve around each other, that's basically stupid...tell me if you don't agree..
In this lifetime loving is unselfish, it includes everyone, it will bring sunshine to all the people around you.. It does not cause pain nor destruction...
I'd rather have some telling me , we are separate entity complementing each other.. Helping each other grow rather that fooling our selves about that make believe bubble you create to make your story as a happy ever after.
Id rather have someone tell me my future was on its way and will compromise halfway rather than leave everything and follow you like a stupid puppet.
This sounds bitter but this is me.
You have your own story.
But don't you ever revise it to appear perfect for you audience, you can never fool yourself.
You will never be happy until you accept what's life has to offer.
Live your life
Learn from your mistakes
Go love as much as you can
Be inlove
Continue on loving!😘😘😘😘

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