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"PLEASE!!!! You have to come! Besides Zeke's gonna be there. You never know what's gonna happen if you dont give it a try!" Colette pleaded me to go. But I didn't want to. I don't want to go to a party filled with cocky jocks and sluts.
"Why would I go? I'd rather stay home and watch Supernatural!" I gave her my 'I'm to tired for this face' but she kept insisting I'd go.

Well It's Your Choice...
(Go with your BFF or Stay Home?)

If You choice Go With Your BFF. Keep Reading.
If you choose Stay Home. Skip lines until you find a whole line of symbols of love. The 2 first roses.. Skip them for now.

"Fine. I'll go!" She gave me the biggest grin anybody could give to anybody. I laughed at her silliness and walked to my closet. "Ughh I have nothing to wear for the party!" I was frustrated! What am I going to do? "That's fine. I knew you wouldn't have a dress. And I kinda knew you were gonna come with me.." Colette laughed and brought me a beautiful red dress. It was off shouldered and with with beautiful flowers!

I wore flats with some of my lucky earring to hope I would get a guy tonight. After all I'm just a Sophomore. A nerdy, geeky sophomore nobody notices. By the name of  Braelynn. Everyone I know either calls me Brae or Lynn. I prefer Lynn. I don't know why but I just do.
I tried on my dress and I couldn't believe myself. I looked better than any other day in my life! "Ahhh!! I look awesome!! Why haven't you talked me into dresses a while ago?" I questioned Colette but she just laughed and rolled her eyes. "Come one the parties in... RIGHT NOW!!!" she grabbed me by the arm and we rushed out to the car. We got into her car and drove straight to the party.
      "Woah! This place is big!" my eyes popped out of my eyes and I picked them back up. It was the house of Dalia Sele. She's just like the richest girl in school! Her house has 4 story and well... It's big! "Come on! Stop drooling over her house and let's get in it!" Colette and I slowly walked to the door with our invitaions. This wasn't just a party. 🌹It was a party where we discussed our official ranks in school. Who was the most popular and the least. Well you have your TOPPIES; the number one couple. The couple where everyone goes, "they're still dating?" "It's an off and not thing" any way it's usually were prom king and queen stands. The 2 most popular people in school ! Next you have your K.A.S. The Kiss Ass Stickies. The one's who will do anything for the position of the RIGHT hand man or maiden of the the two most popular couple. It ranges from 2-3 people. The stickie part means it's hard to get rid of them. They are the king and queens closest "friends". Anyway then you have your Atheltetes. I guess some are alright. I mean Colette is captain of the Dance Team. And me... Well nothing. I'm not special or anything. I mean I'm not even that smart or outstanding! Anyway back to the positions. After the Athletes you have the S.U.L.C. It stands for Suck Up Lower Classmens. It means that there are particularly some lower Classmens that does nothing but try to suck up to the higher classman. But truth is no one really likes them. There just there because you don't wanna hurt there darn feelings. And then you have your the class of 20-- (whatever your class you're in). And then the losers. I don't really wanna name myself a loser. I think I'm just the class of 20--. 🌹
     Basically the whole schools here. Even some teachers! Well. Some kids are here because of the drinks they pass around. But that's only when the teachers are gone. *wink*

Zeke's POV:

"Look! Mrs. Coleman's here!!" My besties starts laughing there butts off when Braelynn enters the room. Her nickname is Mrs. Coleman because that's my last name. And everyone knows she has a huge crush on me. But I don't really wanna talk to her either. So I just kinda ignore her. I look at Braelynn and she looks back. I stare her down but she only turns away from me. Why? I mean if you like somebody you should look at them right? I mean I don't like Her or anything but I just don't understand women!
     "Hey Zeky-Coo ditch this place so we can have some real fun?" Dalia's hand slowly goes down my jeans. "Why not?" I grab her hand and lead her somewhere. After what-seemed-an hour we left her bedroom. And went to the living room where everybody was. When suddenly a hand grabbed me by the right shoulder. "Hey dude! I have a bet for you!" it was one of my friend. Jaden. He had a man bun and was just one of the best looking man in school. Well behind me of course. "What?" I questioned him and he burps in my face. "Phew go wash your mouth you reek of alcohol." I pushed him away but that only brought him closer. "I'll help you with your parents money problem. If you do the bet and beat it." Jaden comes closer to and laughed at me. I look at him seriously and punched him. "Never speak of that!" I storm off to get a beer and to relax myself. After a couple of minute ago cool down I confronted Jaden. "I'll do it." my eyes started to water but I wiped them away. Jaden is one of the fewest people that can actually help my parents. My dad got laid off a few months ago and my mother is very ill. Half of the money dad ever earned goes to mom and her hospital bills. Now we owe some money to the Richard's for loaning some for mothers hospital bills. And Jaden is there son. Jaden Richard. He can make our loan slide off the deck just like that.
     Jaden looks at me and shakes me hand. "2 months you have to go out with Mrs. Coleman for 2 months and get her on at least 4 dates. And by the end of the two months she must tell you she loves you before you tell her." Jaden smirks at me and I glared back at him. "You're on."

                        END GO TO CHAPTER 2
🌹💘 💏💑👠💘💗💋❤💔💕💖💓🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

So, I've decided to stay home and catch up on Supernatural. After a few hours of The darkness, Lucifer, and God. I decided to go outside and just gaze at the stars. Until my best guy friend sits next to me. He's in love with me and I know it. But I've friend zones him. He's gotta love with that or leave me. His name is Isaac. We've been friends since the 4th grade. And he's the only one whose ever really been there for me. Anyway what Colette went to was one of Dalia's stupid popular conventions. It basically where you go and feel bad about yourself except for the TOPPIES. (If you want to read about the Ranks look for the First rose! 🌹 I highly suggest you do!) Anyway that whole Zeke thing. Yeah everyone knows I like him even himself. I've even been hearing rumors that they call me Mrs. Coleman. I don't known if that's a bad thing or.. Suddenly a car stopped in my drive way! I get off the grass with Isaac and looked for the person. Colette wouldn't be here this early. So looked closer and it was Zeke!

Sorry for the shortness! But I ensure you it gets better!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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