~Epitome of a first kiss~

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Les's p.o.v:

Not once have I been kissed.

That's the very,very truth.

It makes it very hard to not wonder what a person's lips feel like on yours.

Here in this rain, it seemed like the perfect moment to kiss. I listened to him tell me stories about his childhood, and how mischiviously curious he's always been.

I saw Lucas Friar as another human being--a rebellious one.

It really just made me want to kiss him more. His perfect plump lips--how glossy they looked when kissed by the drops of cold rain.

I craved Lucas's lips. Really bad.

"What?" Lucas chuckled, making me loose my train of thought. "Is there something on my lips?"

"No-no not at all." I turned the other cheek, which was probably crimson red.

"Have you had your first kiss?"

The most dreaded question to me came up. I could feel little needle stabs in the back of my neck--Lucas Friar had just made me nervous.

"No." I looked at the droplets hitting the pavement.

At times like these--always avoid eye contact.

"Really?" He chuckled.

My stomach churned. The stabbing in my neck increased.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "I mean, I've been waiting for the right person. Too many of these boys are just looking for a hook up--I really just wanted to find the right one."

Gabe. He's one of these boys.

A fuckboy-in my vocabulary. He's just really looking to hook up, or have a one night stand. Lucas had said I was beautiful.

"Wanted?" There was a hint of jealousy, though intwined with curiosity.

"Yeah." I smiled to myself. He's so cute, he was jealous of himself.

"Who's he?"

"A friend. But, I think he might be the one."

"Does this friend have a name?"

I couldn't help it-- a small smile creeped up on my lips.

"Yeah. I think you know him."

"Who is it?!"

I've never heard Lucas Friar raise his voice at me. I was kind of shocked, but couldn't blame him. I was after all, tricking him.

"His name is Lucas Friar, do you know him?"

"I don't like him, he's not good for you. You deserve so much better--wait!"

" You dummy."

We laughed. Lucas Friar's laugh was the most mesmerizing sound in the rain.

"Have you had your first kiss?"

What a dumb question I had just asked. He had dated Maya. Of course he has kissed someone before. The idea of Maya and him kissing--her stealing his first kiss made me kind of  nostalgic.

It would've been perfect if I was his first kiss.

"Yeah....with Maya."


He glanced over at me in a sad kind of way. I guess he knew that I was somewhat skeptical about this topic.

"Can I?"

"Can you what?"

"Can I be your first kiss?"

At this simple suggestion, my mind went completely blank. If I had been nervous before, now I was anxious.

To my luck, I could see my apartment building just a couple of steps ahead.

Thing is, I've always pictured to have my first kiss with another person who hasn't had theirs. I feel like it would turn out to be more romantic.

Looking at Lucas now--I can only think about how kissing Lucas would mean I'm kissing Maya in a way.

Don't get me wrong, Lucas is perfect. But, my first kiss is a once in a lifetime thing. The scenario seemed perfect--a kiss in the rain. I'm just not ready to kiss Lucas. We're not even dating. What was I thinking?


"Leslie?!" Aunt Jenn's voice echoed through the neighborhood.


"I'll see you tomorrow... Buddy" I awkwardly faced Lucas.

"See you."

I watch him turn around and leave. He looked somewhat sad.

"Coming!" I yelled back, and ran over to the building I call home.


"What were you doing out there?!" Aunt Jenn scolded. "You could've catched a cold and it was past your curfew missy--how many times have we gone over your curfew rules?!"

I was now in my pajamas, cuddled up in my fuzzy white blanket. My eyelids felt so heavy from the tiredness.

"A lot."

"Then why do you keep on breaking curfew?!"

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I went to see a friend."

"At this time of night?"

"See, I left at 8:30 something and I really had to because Riley is currently going through an awful time--I needed to be there for her."

"I understand that. At least call me or text me next time. If I would've gotten home and you wouldn't have been here I would freak out."

"I know."

I couldn't sleep. Yet I was so tired. Maybe it was because I now felt guilty about rejecting Lucas's kiss.
I couldn't really wrap my head around if I should or shouldn't kiss him. I mean do I truly love him? Or is he just a simple crush?

When we first meet I was certain that I wanted to be with Lucas. But Gabe came along and I just simply let go of him. Maybe I just feel like I'd be better off alone and not heartbroken. Maybe he should go back to Maya Penelope Hart.

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