(Ⅰ) SPRING (ⅱ)

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Changed from Present to Past tense. Don't get confused. 


    "Will you stop following me," I said, my feet feeling heavier each bigger step I take, trying to run away from a curly headed boy, following me. What's gotten him so intrigued? Why is he following me? "please!"

   "Can," he began, trying to catch his breath as I finally stopped, doing the same, "just talk to me?" 

   I shot him an are you kidding look. "You expect me to just stop and talk to you after you come and run after me? You don't even know who I am, for God's sake!" I exasperatedly said, throwing my hands in the air. He only looked at me, his annoying smirk planted on his lips, his deep, deep dimples prominent on his cheeks. 

   He opened his mouth to reply, but I began walking again. At this point, I'd stopped running knowing that he would only follow me. I ignored him as I tried to walk even faster, trying to make myself disappear so this desperate boy won't follow me. 

   "Will you just stop and listen!" He yelled from his throat, his hoarse voice grew deeper, making me stop in my tracks. Is he really getting mad at me, right now? "I just needed someone to talk to."

   I turned my heels around, facing him. His face was still covered, not letting me know if I've ever met him before, or seen him. He seemed too familiar, but I just couldn't point out who he was. Guys was something I didn't care about after that little incident -- completely erasing each and every single one of them from my mind. Regardless of who did me wrong, and who didn't. Who knows? They all might do me wrong. "Talk to? Why did you choose me? Why didn't you pick some other random girl!"

   I was genuinely confused. I wanted to dig the ground as deep as I possibly can to see if there was any hidden answer to my question because I didn't want to stay and talk to him to find out. 

   He chuckled, lines forming in his forehead. "You didn't recognize me at first glance. It amuses me."

   I raised my eyebrow at him. Was he popular in his school? Did he think he can just walk around the whole place and expect everyone to know him? Surely, he wasn't a pop star. It's quite impossible to be seeing a celebrity somewhere near this neighborhood. Nevertheless, I thought of every men celebrities there were, but coming to a conclusion, there were many of them who had curly hair and dimples.

   "Who are you?"

   He shook his head. "You don't need to know. I just really need someone to talk to."

   I looked at him and studied him, carefully. I didn't know who this guy was, and yet there was something about him that made me stop and actually engage a short conversation. What is it with this boy? "Fine, fine. I give up on running away from you."

   I did though. I really was done trying to run away from him, I couldn't quite escape his annoying self, so might as well, give this day a chance to talk to a guy, who knows? Maybe I'll end up hurting his feelings, and he'll go away for good. "Good. There's a nearby cupcake shop, let's get something to eat."

   Hesitantly, I nodded. We started walking in the direction that he led me to, and I just followed. He was smart enough to stay away from me as we walked. We were silent though, not even looking at each other. I took that chance to study my surroundings, not finding anything interesting at all, whatsoever. When we finally reached the bakery, I started to drool. Cupcakes were my guilty pleasure -- give me one, and I'll kiss the floor you walked on. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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