Not A Normal Love Story

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  "He's fine Abby. You know you can refer to him by name sometimes. And he's not my roommate in fact he's going to be my step brother soon. Charlie popped the big question last night and my mom said yes" I filled her in. I heard Abby gasp on the other end.

  "Oh my god! So now your epic love is going to be forbidden! That makes this all the more exciting!" I rolled my eyes and in the process rolled over onto my back on my bed. Another one of Abbys exciting thoughts. She thinks that Adam secretly has a crush on me and one day hes going to admit it and the two, or rather three, of us are going to have an epic fairy tale romance. I have yet to wake her up from these delusions.

  "Abby there is no epic love when are you going to see that? Adam doesn't know I exist and Jeremy is probably going to look at me like a little sister now. My secret crush on them is over. We're going to be family now my mom would kill me if anything happened between us". She would be disgusted that's for sure. And who knows how Charlie would react. He's not a violent person, in fact he's the type to throw a bug outside rather than squish it, but in those types of situations its hard to predict how someone would act.

  Abby sighed on the other end, "Not blood related though. Still completely legal. I'm not giving up on you two!" I was about to retort but I heard her mom on the other end yelling at her to get off the phone and do her homework. She rushed a goodbye and then all I heard was the dial tone. Rolling my eyes I hung up the phone and sat up. I really am happy for my mom. She loves Charlie and its clear how much he loves her. And I can only hope this time the marriage works for her. But, I had to admit, it kinda sucked that she had to choose Adams father. I've had a crush on him since I was in the tenth grade. Yeah, he was a senior at the time, and still hardly noticed me. But I couldn't help it, and moving in with him and his Dad made it all worse. I got to see him every day and get to know him and Jeremy.

  Shaking my head I grabbed my pajamas and opened my bedroom door. I needed a hot shower to help rid my head of these thoughts. Opening my door I walked straight into a solid wall of human. Adam was standing right outside my door. One of my tricks to telling them apart? Their eyes. I can just tell by looking into their eyes which one is in control. Right now, Adams eyes are darker, more guarded. Jeremys are brighter, full of light and joy.

  "Adam? Whats wrong? Did you need something?" I asked, recovering from my knocking into him. He was looking at me funny, almost like he was seeing straight threw me. It almost felt like he was trying to read my soul.

  "You were on the phone, just a minute ago, what were you talking about?" He asked. His voice gave nothing away. Whatever he was trying to get out of me I couldn't figure it out. He was listening in on my phone calls now? Why didn't I call Abby on my cell phone? Oh right...because I left it in her car. We car pool to school and today was her day to drive.

  "You were listening in on my phone call? Thats extremely rude and invasive! I don't listen in on your private calls Adam! Maybe you should learn some manners from Jeremy!" I pushed passed him and locked myself in the bathroom. This was humiliating. What had he heard? How much had he heard? Did he know? I groaned and turned on the water, stripped myself of my clothes and let the hot water beat the worries out of my body. Maybe if I was lucky he was just as embarrassed and wouldn't bring it up again.

  I spent the remainder of my time in the shower mostly standing in the water panicking over what exactly Adam had heard. Once I was done I went through my nightly routine; washed my face, brushed my teeth and braided my long hair. After wards I took a deep breath and peeked out the door. Adams bedroom door was shut and he was nowhere to be seen in the living room. Smiling at my luck I made a mad dash for my room, and nearly screamed after entering it. Adam was right there, sitting at my desk, without a care in the world. I could deal my face heating up and my heart was about ready to pound out of my chest.

  "We were in the middle of a conversation Kat. I wasnt finished talking" He stated. Adam and Jeremy are the only two who call me Kat. My full name is Katherine, most people call me Katie though. Most, except Adam and Jeremy that is. I tossed my dirty clothes into my hamper, turned around and walked out of my room.

  "Well I am done talking I think I made myself perfectly clear Adam. You were rude and I'm not happy with you right now" not only that but I really don't want to discuss what it is you might have heard. I walked into the kitchen and busied myself making a cup of tea. Of course Adam followed me. Mom and Charlie had gone out to dinner with Charlies sister Angela and her husband Dave to celebrate the engagement so sadly it was just me and Adam, all alone, for who knows how much longer. Adam made himself comfortable at the bar table that separates the kitchen from the dinning room.

  "Well I'm not done talking to you Kat, I didn't get to say anything. For starters, I didn't intentionally listen in on your conversation. I picked up the house phone to call," he paused and looked away for a second. I turned to face him, more curious. Adam never hesitated, ever, he's too spontaneous. He doesn't hold back whether it's talking or doing something.

  "Someone...and I happened to hear you talking to Abby" he finished. I narrowed my eyes at him. That whole statement seemed very suspicious to me. Grabbing my cup out of the microwave I dropped a tea bag into it and proceeded to start walking to my room. This conversation was going to take an awkward turn if I didn't end it now.

  "Whatever Adam I'm sure it was all an accident but its over and done with now. I'm going to bed". Almost there just a few more feet and I'll be safely inside my room. Of course nothing in life is just that easy. I felt Adam grab my upper arms and hold me back against his chest. Once again I felt my heart begging to burst out of my chest. His breath was against my neck as I heard him whisper in my ear.

  "This conversation is far from over. I'll drop it for tonight, our parents just pulled in the driveway. But don't think for one second that you're off the hook, or that I forgot what I heard". His voice wasnt threatening, in fact it held a tone that I couldn't quite read. I stood there glued to the spot as I felt him let me go, and walk around me to go to his room, not giving me a second glance.

  After thirty seconds of hard-core breathing I felt my senses come back to me and I dashed into my room before Mom and Charlie walked into the house. There was no way I would be sleeping tonight. I sunk slowly onto my bed and just sat there staring at the floor. I decided to leave the house early tomorrow for school. There was no way I wanted to risk bumping into Adam, or Jeremy. According to Jeremy over the years they had learned how to share memories so both of them knew what happened while the other was in control. In the early stages they use to keep a daily diary to help. But regardless, bumping into either was not an option. sighing I layed back on my bed. What was I going to do? What was Adam even thinking? Somewhere in the middle of all my thoughts I drifted into a restless sleep.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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