chapter 2

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The bell rings ending first class, everyone stands up quickly rushing to the door. Just as I reach the door a shoulder shoves me out of the way pushing me into the wall. Violet runs down the hall and out of the school building. What the hell is wrong with her? Pushing myself off the wall I head towards second period.

Mic sits in the third row sketching in her notebook. Her head snaps up with a small smile covering it. I guess she's not mad at me anymore.

"How was first period?" She asks as I throw my bag down pulling out the chair to sit next to her.

"Violet." Is the only word I say as I groan quietly laying my head on the desk.

She's worse than I imagined. "Oh my gosh! What was she like?" Mic sets her black pin down renting her elbow on the desk with an eager smile.

"She stole my seat when there was like five other empty desks, than shoved me out of the way when she walked out." Mic gasps and starts laughing.

"You got shoved out of the way by a girl!" Now I'm frowning and glaring hard at the desk in front of me. Mic stops laughing and leans back in her desk.

"Well my first period wasn't much better. Sam got a girlfriend over the break."

Sam is Mic's ex boyfriend who she is still crazy about. They were together all last year, but broke off because he wanted something different. Leaving Mic with her broken feelings.

The class starts with Mr. Wilson explaining that we will have a test before the end of the week. Mic sighs reaching into her bag for a different color pen to draw with.


Her purple pen writes on the corner of her paper, I nod.

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