"He's always controlled me," she said bitterly. "But don't worry. He'll control you too, before long."

There was so much I didn't know about him. I had no clue what his real name was, how his powers worked, or even why he was noticing me at all. Maybe it was because of my nanobots?

I chose not to respond.

"Well, come on. Let's take you to your friends," she said, walking towards the front door.

I hesitated. This could be a trap.

"No, this is not another trap." It was as if she was reading my mind.

I decided that if she had wanted me dead, she would have killed me already, and she hadn't, so I followed after her.

"So, Sage, tell me a little bit about yourself," I said.

"Wait." She held up her hand. I stopped.

She approached the front door and knocked on it, but not too loud. After putting her ear up to it, she stepped back. "Had to check and see if something was behind it," she explained. I didn't get it until after what happened next.

Her body became fuzzy, like an old TV with a bad signal. Then she jumped through the door. Apparently, she had learned the same trick I had.

She opened the door from the inside. I continued on through the door frame, and she shut it behind me.

"In answer to your question, there's nothing to know about myself. I've been living inside of Afterlight my whole life up to a few days ago, and even then, I haven't done anything exciting besides trying to kill you. Which has been pretty fun, I might add. By the way, aren't you supposed to be dead?" Sage squeezed past me and looked back to see my response.

"I survived," I said. I didn't elaborate on the how so much because I wasn't sure how much Sage knew about the nanobots.

"Of course you did," she said with a roll of her eyes. She continued on, with me in tow.

It became silent. The only sound was coming from Sage's sneakers on the floor.

"Aren't you going to ask me how my life has been?" I asked after a moment.

Sage opened a door ahead. "No."

"You know we're siblings," I said.

"Yeah, so?"

"So shouldn't you be trying to put a little more effort into talking to your brother?"

"Your friends are just past this door." Sage ignored my comment and pointed down the hallway to the far end, where a large oak door stood in my way.

I took a step forward to run across, but Sage grabbed my arm. "Don't run," she said.

"Why?" I questioned her.

"Just don't. Trust me, for your sake."

I shrugged her off, but I listened to her. Despite that, the second I sensed something going off, I was going to snap Sage's neck. Not literally...well, maybe.

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