"Alex, your sandwich is at twelve and there's a bag of Doritos at three. The plate's about two inches in front of your arm," she smiled and walked off with her own plate. I turned to Alex. 

He had that same look of suspicion from a couple minutes ago and I silently made a note to get after Mom for forgetting that she wasn't supposed to know any of that. As if to confirm my worries, Alex turned to me and spoke up.

"H-how did your mom know about the thing with the numbers on a clock to help me with my food?" he asked. I scrambled for an explanations.

"I gave her a couple tips for whenever you decided to come over," I said, trying my best to sound like it was no big deal. I turned back to my plate and took a bite out of my sandwich.

He turned to me with a severely confused look on his face.

"And... she acted so normal around me and she knew... about... you know," he waved a hand in front of his face. I rolled my eyes and put my sandwich down.

"You know, Alex, not everybody is an asshole. My mom and I could care less that you're blind. It's not that abnormal. Just because you think of yourself as a freak doesn't mean everybody else does," I mumbled. He rolled his eyes and turned back to his own plate. He gingerly searched for the sandwich and picked it up.

"Yeah totally, because everybody at the school thinks I'm completely normal," he said, this voice dripping with sarcasm. He took a bite from his sandwich and set it back onto his plate.

"You may not be able to hear them, Clara, but I can. I hear them every day! Calling me a freak and a loser. And that asshat that we ran into in the hallway that day-"

"Matthew," I filled in.

"He's the worst of them all. I've heard him, talking to girls, making them pity me and call me a freak. Then he goes on how I was probably a loser to begin with. If that asshole could've seen me before this stupid accident-"

"He would what?" I asked. Alex paused for a minute, then shook his head. His shoulders visibly relaxed and he let out a huge breath.

"He would've seen that I was the best athlete in the state and that I had everything that he has and more and..." he trailed off, staring off behind me. I smiled sadly and took another bite out of my sandwich.

"Well, here's something he doesn't have that you do," I smiled. He looked at me, or rather, in my general direction.

"Me," I said. There was a small moment of silence before he cracked up laughing. I gasped and punched his shoulder.

"What is so funny?" I asked. He wiped tears from is eyes and felt for his water bottle. I watched as he slowly swept his hand across the counter top just like I'd shown him. I smiled approvingly before looking back up at his face.

"I, I just think it's hilarious how you used yourself as a way to cheer me up like you're all I have when, just a couple days ago, Marcus-"

"Matthew," I corrected.

"He just told me that you guys used to be a thing and that he would make me regret ever coming to the school if I didn't leave you alone," he said. I froze. When the hell did Matthew even have time to talk to Alex privately? I'm literally with him every minute of class time!

"He's approached me in the bathroom, or whenever you go to the bathroom," Alex said, sensing my oncoming question.

"What the hell, Alex?! Why haven't you told me? When did he tell you this? I'm practically with you all the time!" I practically shouted, voicing my thoughts. Alex winced and rolled his eyes.

"Because I knew you'd react this way and I know for a fact that that'll only make things worse. I know- Well, I used to know guys like that. They only get worse when you provoke them. Please, Clara. Don't say anything. What is he gonna do to the poor handicapped kid during school?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and set my Capri-Sun down.

"Uh, have you forgotten about last time? Your eye is still a little bruised!"

"That was different. There was nobody around then," he tried to reason. I scoffed and tried to read his expression. His black eye was barely visible by now, being that it was already about a week and a half old. I wanted to say something to Alex to comfort him and let him know I wouldn't stand for this to happen, but I'd seen the movies and read the books. It was true that bullies always became more aggressive with provocation.

"Well, let's talk about that some other time. Matthew's a real downer," I said. Alex scoffed and took another generous bite from his sandwich. He slowly reached for his Doritos and opened them up and ate one.

"So what are we gonna learn now?" he asked, his mouth still half full.

"Well, now that you kinda know how to get through a room without a cane, I think it's a great time to learn how to get around—"

"Don't say with a cane..."

"With your cane. Alex, you're going to have to learn sometime. I get that you don't want to fully accept your new condition, but the sooner you do, and get off your ass and work through it, the quicker you can live your life and the less embarrassment you'll go through," I said. I was never one for uplifting speeches, I tended to be too blunt and never get the point I wanted across, but I was trying.

"And I can't even begin to fathom how tough this has been for you, but you've already been completely blind for how long? Four months?" I asked. Alex remained silent. His face was a combination of deep thought and slight confusion. Suddenly, his face cleared up and he rolled his eyes.

"Then let's get started," he said. I was at a loss for words.

"Really?!" I asked, half yelling. He winced.

"Yeah, and it wasn't your whole crappy speech if that's what you're thinking. I'm just ready to do whatever it takes to shut you up," he explained. I rolled my eyes and elbowed his side.

"Yeah whatever. I'm warming up to you," I smiled and jumped off my stool. He scoffed but took the last bite from his sandwich.

"Well, let's get to work! Trash cans about five steps to your three o'clock, right in front of the wall and beside the fridge," I said. He took the last chip from its bag and crunched on it before crumbling the bag and following my directions.

"You still remember our deal?" he asked as he walked back to me. I rolled my eyes and offered my arm as a lead.

"Of course."

"Good. Because I have a feeling a lot of secrets are gonna be shared pretty soon..."

**O.O What did he mean??

Anywaaaays, hey guys! I know it's short but this chapter has some vital info and I finally put the cliffhanger to rest... so along with this short chapter, I have some interesting news.

I've kinda lost track of where this story is going since I started it when I was like 14.. I still know the general direction, but when I go back and read the first couple chapters I find myself wincing at my old writing lol

I am not taking this story down. I think I'm just gonna end up rewritting some chapters. They'll still have the same content and the same everything, but just with more detail and stuff since I kinda just fazed over stuff. BUT what I will do is, I'm gonna add an author's note at the bottom saying what I've added and what's changed (but I won't change anything big)

Also, I'm currently working on a side project... I am working on a small side story to this one which is going to be of Alex's time away from Clara from the moment she leaves his hospital room up until they reunite... all in Alex's POV! So I need some title suggestions for that story... something related to this one and that correlates with it somehow! Suggestions welcome! Thanks:)

PS. Chapter 19 is on it's way!


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