Chapter 2

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It's 7 in the morning, Syden is getting ready for school. She's rushing her mom, who is a stay at home mom, to take her to her new school.

"It's to early to take you to school Sy. You don't start school until 8:30," explained her mother. "Now go wake up your brother." Syden obeyed and went to her brothers room to wake him up.

"Come one Ulani! Wake up, it's our first day at our new school," said Syden excitedly. Ulani, her younger brother, rolled over and ignored her.

It was finally 8:15. Syden was already in the car waiting for her mom and brother. She finally got to school. The bell rang and she ran inside urging to make friends.

Syden walked into her new class with her new teacher, Mrs.Almazon. Everyone seemed nice to her. Everyone greeted her with a big smile. What she didn't know was that all those kids would hurt her.

"Sit next to Suemy. She'll help you organize your stuff and help you catch up," said Mrs.Almazon. Syden sat next to the short, quiet girl.

"Hi, I'm Suemy Gomez," the girl finally said. "What's your name?"

"I'm Syden Castro," she replied.
'everyone is nice here' she thought, but she thought wrong...really wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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