Murdoc's birthday

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A/N: This is loosely connected with the drabble for 2D's birthday so it's after DoYaThing

It was June 6th, a rather iconic day in the life of Murdoc Niccals. This day, of course, was the day of his birth. He was the last to get up but this was normal. He jotted some things in the notebook on his nightstand by his bed; this notebook being filled with dreams he had, bass riffs he wished to try out, lyrics that might one day blossom into a full length track, and other things that are personal to him. Among these other things were his emotions poured out into the pages. Admitting having such a possession makes the man feel sick with himself.

Now why would a man like Murdoc Alphonce Niccals own a blasted diary? This was the only way he could release his emotions in a somewhat healthy way. He could rant about whatever the hell he felt like and keep his reputation in tact. Recently, he has been realizing just how intense his feelings were towards a certain blue haired singer. He loathed just how badly he wanted the other man. It made him feel sick. A man like himself shouldn't fall for pretty boys like the other. Yet, he did and hates and loves every moment of it.

He eventually left the comfort of his dark room, having to interact with other humans at some point that day. No matter how hard he tried to avoid social interaction, it was going to happen. 2D grinned at him in a goofy fashion while Noodle and Russel were eating cake from the drummer's birthday that was three days before. "Hey Muds," the singer greeted softly, grinning warmly. The bassist felt his heart beat quickly as he remember the events from the blue haired man's birthday. The two shared a few kisses and each other's company on that day in May. His heart began to beat quicker at the memory, it was hopeless to steady it at this point. He sighed as he realized his breath quickened as well. He lightly touched his face, feeling the warmth radiating from it. He held up a finger as he sulked off to another room to try to calm himself down. His attraction was becoming way too apparent and he wanted to hide it.

2D, of course, went to find him. "Murdoc?" the familiar voice said as the noirette tensed up, nervous but would never admit it. "Oh, hello there dullard," Murdoc stated with a shaky chuckle. "Are you all right? You did kind of bail on your own birthday party," the blue haired singer said in a worried tone. "I'm fine faceache, I'll be back in a few, I just need a moment to calm down," the bassist said, breathing ragged breaths. "I'll stay here with you," the taller man said, almost offering. "You don't have to," the elder mumbled, rubbing the nape of his neck. "I want to though, you're my best and closest friend Muds," the younger stated.

Murdoc froze, feeling his cheek flush and quickly pulled the other into a tight embrace. He gripped onto his t-shirt, mumbling. 2D rubbed circles into his back, "It's all right, it's all okay, we can just stay here together." "I love you," the noirette said quietly. "I love you too," the blue haired man said, holding tightly onto him.

The bassist eventually calmed, still in the loving embrace of the singer. He much preferred this birthday over his previous ones. Birthdays he would spend in a state of intoxication and self-loathing. This one made him feel actually loved. It was quite liberating in a way.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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