Evil love

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I grab the shovel from the tree it was leaning on and dig a hole for the flower I was planting.

"Doing a great job love." Peter says from behind me making me jump.
"Do you do that on purpose?" I asked annoyed.
"No sweet. You just get scared easily." He says chuckling.
"Haha very funny!" I say mocking him
"Do not mock me." He says serious
But I do it anyway again.
He pushes me against the tree and his face is inches away from mine.
"G-Get off me" I say nervous as I feel him breathing down my neck. He starts to suck on my neck, which makes me moan.
"Stop!" I shout pushing him off. Making him tumble back.
"Oh I'm going to make you pay for that love." He says aggressively.
He snaps his fingers and I appear in a tree house.
"Oh shit." I whisper looking for any sign of him but nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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