That may be the last time I saw her cry that hard so I guess I can do this just to keep her happy.

"His name is Harry Styles and he's a transfer in our school. He surprisingly became very popular in an instant." Kenny explained. I nodded pretending to care but not really.

"But I never even saw him at school nor with you. And I don't know that name existed." I still tried to reason. "Well, I don't have any pictures of him because he thinks it's too 'gay' for 'men' like him." She said using hand air quotes.

"Wow. Why did you even fall for that jerk." I said. She placed her hand on her heart pretending to be offended, "Okay, maybe he is a jerk but I don't know!"

"Why do you still care about him anyway? He broke up with you and you just said that you're never serious." I said trying to make my point. And to escape her 'little' favor.

"Correction; I broke up with him." She says.

"I fell in love again! You see- he's just like-" she stopped talking then groaned. "Austin, whatever." I said. "I wanna hate you right now but I won't and I can't." She says.

"Wait, what do you mean he's like Austin? Do they look alike or have the same personality?" I asked. She grinned, "Knew you would be interested, and yes, they have the same personality but they don't look alike."

I nodded my head, "Okay, I'm officially agreeing to whatever you call this, when will this start?" I asked.

She raised her hand in achievement,

"But remember I'm doing this because of you and only you. I don't want you to cry like a llama." I joked and she playfully slapped my arm. "I look like those drama queens when I cry you know," she reasoned.

"Yeah sure, have you ever cried again?" I snapped and she shook her head. "Whatevs, I was fifteen and naive." She shrugs.

"And I'll check on where you start." She continues , "I'm sure you can break him since I think he's not your type and as your friend, you're pretty mean." Kendall laughed.

"And love is just a bullshit. I'm glad you managed to not be in love." She teases. "I have more priorities than that." I simply replied. She was content with my answer and started eating her cupcake.

"Who pays this time?" I ask as we finish our coffees, "You." She stuck her tongue out and I rolled my eyes.

After I payed, we entered her car and Kenny started driving. "I love this song!" She shouts as she sings along to Cher Lloyd, I started singing along as well,

"Wherever you go just always remember that you got a home from now and forever and if you get low just call me whenever! This is my oath to you!"

We started laughing when she almost hit the car in front of us. "I forgot to tell you that Zayn's having a party tomorrow and he will definitely be there so you're coming with me this time." Kendall smirks.

We were now in front of my house and I got out of her car, "Fine, whatever." I replied. "Wear something nice!" She shouts before driving off, "Bye!" I waved before entering the house.

"Mom and dad are at the grocery," my brother informed me while his eyes are glued on the television. I went upstairs to my room and just plopped on my bed.

My phone rings and I stood up to go to my desk and checked on my messages,

From Kenny : Taylorrr! Look at this dress! I bought it for you ;)

From Kenny : Taylorrr! Look at this dress! I bought it for you ;)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

She sent me a photo of a dress which is not bad for my liking. It's pure white but you can see my back in it.

To Kenny : It's pretty. I'm betting you'll force me to wear that tomorrow.

I replied.

From Kenny : Yup! Anyways, gotta go home, byee!

Was her last text and I didn't replied. I threw my phone on my bed and decided to just do some school work. As I was writing this essay assignment, I remembered what happened earlier.

I didn't mind telling that to Kenny because she can be protective and humiliate that guy. It's not because I want her to humiliate him, it's just that, If I wasn't nice enough, I would've done that earlier.

I erased the thoughts and continued on my studies.

A/N : Hey guys! So I have decided to rewrite this and this is what I originally planned for the story and everything. I think that this will be much better than the first :)

How to get the boy (AU) (discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें