Its hard to be a teenager... being a freak of nature doesn't help - one

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Authors note - since my other stuff doesn't get many views anymore, I think I might as well write something with a stupidly long name which people will (hopefully) read for no particular reason so my other stuff gets votes =D

Anyway... enjoy?

Peace out

-It's hard to be a teenager... being a freak of nature doesn't help-


I was thirteen when it happened for the first time.

A completely normal, un-inspiring, average-in-every-way thirteen year old girl. I was popular, but not at the top of the social ladder, clever, but I rarely got A's, pretty enough but not stunning, cute I guess. But average. Looking back, I guess I pine for my normality.

'-is so hot' Callie, my best friend at the time was saying... I was only half listening as I gazed vaguely around the school, I hadn't been sleeping well. I still didn't. The group of friends standing around, it's been too long for me to remember who they were, just blank faces, all agreed.

'Ohmigod!' said Callie her voice so excited and nervous 'here he comes.'

She sounded close to fainting, I turned to see where she was looking and found myself feeling exactly the same, like I said I was average, the hottest guy I had ever seen used to be the most exciting thing in the world. Across the grounds, Ethan Jones was walking; alone. I was surprised, he was usually surrounded by jockish friends, or followed by girls flicking their hair and shaking their butts showing out of mini-skirts. Either way, never alone. He was your typical, all American boy, blonde haired, blue eyed football player with perfectly defined features that didn't seem fair by comparison to others. So of course everyone was in love with him, even me.

'Why's he alone?' I murmured.

'I dunno, maybe he escaped from that hoebag, Lily' said someone who I don't remember anymore. We laughed.

'He's looking over here' I said, as he turned his head, his perfectly tamed, immaculate hair blew slightly in the wind making my heart do a little flip. We had only spoken twice, when he was asking me for a pencil sharpener but I thought I was in love with him... completely convinced. But that was before I had known true love.

'He's looking at you Lena' hissed Callie, jumping down from her spot on the wall. I suddenly realized his blue eyes, with that gorgeous twinkle in the corner were looking straight back into mine with fierce intensity. He smiled at me, and I found myself blushing but returned his stare steadily... then his expression changed. He looked scared, terrified, rooted to the spot. I don't know what he saw, and I don't want to know... it doesn't matter. What happened next was what mattered.

A crack.

It cut through the air, slicing the sudden eery silence. I looked away, but caught something falling out of the corner of my eye. There was a huge, terrifying sound as it fell to the ground, and the sound of wood splintering and glass crashing filled the air.

Then it ended.


Then the world descended into chaos.

'Oh My God' screamed Callie, and began to run towards it. Suddenly everyone was talking, yelling, screaming and the horror of the moment became apparent.

'Someone call the ambulance' I heard above the uproar.

I looked back at the havoc, feeling tears of horror come to my eyes because something inside me was telling me that it was the end. Everything I knew was over, obliterated.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2009 ⏰

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