The doctor sighed, and began to explain, "You were found by the police in the middle of the courtyard, next to a boy."

"What?! D-d-did we...?!" Mia was shocked.

"N-No, because the boy, w-was dead. We didn't find your DNA on him, but he was shot. Do you know anything about this?" He asked.

"N-No, I don't talk to any boys, or know any of them," Mia said.

"We'll have to run another cat-scan," The doctor explained, "You might be suffering from extreme trauma amnesia."


After hours and hours of running cat scans, and x-rays, the results finally came back.

"Just as I predicted, retrograde amnesia," The doctor said, "Now, how much do you remember?"

"I-I'm 16, and the date is November 12th," She answered.

"Actually, the date is November 24, so it's good you haven't lost too much memory," The doctor looked at his clip board, "But it's also bad because you can't remember what happened the night we found you."

"Y-Yeah, so can I leave now?" Mia realized that if she didn't remember two weeks worth of school, it meant two weeks worth of homework.

"Actually no, we still have to prescribe a medication so that you can regain your memories. We'll also set you up with a counselor," Mia sighed in frustration and looked out to the window.

The snow was a blinding white, and people were walking around; walking theit dogs or just visiting their loved ones, they all seemed happy.

.•.•.•"It's getting cold out, huh?"•.•.•.•

"Luke," She whispered.

"Pardon?" The doctor was confused by her sentence.

"Uh, n-nothing," She smiled, "I-I'm hungry, can I have lunch now?" She changed the subject immediately.

The doctor nodded, and walked out the room.

What the hell? Why did I say Luke?! And see him? As if I would ever talk to the Player. All he's ever good for is getting a girl and he's probably physco.


The day past, and Mia left the hospital around eight o'clock.

"Dad, I can walk," Mia's father was supporting her arm, so she wouldn't slip on ice, or fall.

"I'm just scared, okay?" Mia felt the sensation of someone's eyes following her. Looking to her left, she saw Luke. He gave her a concerned look, as she gave him a dirty look.

What the hell is he- Mia took a step, not looking where she was walking, and slipped on a large price of ice, hitting her head.

"Mia!" Luke ran towards her.

"W-What the hell are you doing here?" Mia asked, closing her eyes tightly from the pain.

"Mia, are you okay?!" Conrad added. He helped her up, as she nodded.

"Y-Yeah, I'm completely fine," Mia said, in a tone, which she signaled Luke to stay away from her. She didn't want any business with him, what so ever.

My planned worked. Luke thought.


"I'm sorry," Luke took out the gun from his pocket.

"Sorry for wh-" Mia was confused, as he hit the side of her head. Hard.

I'm not getting you involved Mia. You might as well just forget everything, it's for the better.

"Hey kid!" The police shined a light at Luke, as he hid his face, and ran away to the fence, jumping it and running faster than he ever had before.


Mia was back at school, as her usual self, when she was approached by a group of girls during lunch.

"Hey Mia! I heard what happened to you, are you okay?" It was Jenifer. Mia was confused, but she had been getting a little bit of popularity as word had gotten around about her having amnesia.

"Uh, y-yeah," Mia stuttered, "Tell me, why are you talking to me? We've never talked before," Jenifer tilted her head, and whispered to her group of girls something, before they left.

"Do you still remember Luke?" She whispered.

"What? Why would I?" Jenifer smirked and shook her head.

"Good, I dont have to pretend to be your friend," Jenifer fliped her hair, "So stay away from him, then again, he hasn't been coming to school," Jenifer looked away, "But don't try anything with him, because, me and him, we're official," She smiled and got up, walking away.

What's up with her? Weird. Mia continued to eat.

•.•.•.• "Hey BFF!! Let's go to the mall later!!" •.•.•.•

What the hell? Why do I keep having... visions? Memories? Of people I would never hang out with? What happened?


"I'm home!" Mia yelled out to the house. She heard the sounds of feet running down the stairs, as Conrad greeted her by a bear hug.


"Yeah?" He replied.

"You're going to break me in half."

"Oh," He let go, laughing, "Sorry," He walked into the living room, and Mia followed.

In reality, she didn't want him to hug her because in a week or so, he would stop. So there was no point. To her, at least.

She sat down beside him, and snuggled up in the small blanket.

•.•.•.•"You have a really cute body,you know."•.•.•.•

Mia blushed so much, her face looked like a tomato, and Conrad was genrally concerned about her, "M-Mia? Are you okay?" He felt her temperature. Her forehead was burning hot.

"Y-Yeah," Mia nodded her head, and decided to go upstairs, to her room.

What was Luke doing at my house? Why was he saying those things?

Because he came over.

Wh-What? Oh no, don't tell me I'm starting to become schizophreic too!

No stupid, I'm basically you.

Impossible. I need to see a doctor.

You can't. They won't believe you. Besides, I can remember everything about you and Luke.

Mia immediately stopped brushing her hair, and let out a deep sigh.

Okay, tell me everything.



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