I tried doing my own make up and i actually did great , i finally got the hang of eye liner .

"Right abby , im going to tell you some way's of acting like a girl ok" protested austin , he was loving this more than me .

"Hey thats rude! I think i know a couple a things" i fought back

He chuckled and nodded
"Of course Abs but im just going to tell you what track your walking on okay? Right your not going to be that girly girl , your going to be a brave and tough girl , your going to fight Chelsea and win Zac ok "he said as i laughed at the way he spoke.

This teaching was hilarious .

Austin was really doing good , so far he teached me how to walk in high heel's also he got me contact lenses and he got me make up and got me how to do it , and now he was teaching me my role, He just made me feel so happy, he was trying to hard to make me feel better.

I honestly couldn't imagine my life without him.


"Ok tomorrow we will go shopping for clothes ok"he exclaimed whilst walking out of my house.

"ha ok thanks bye "i said to him whilst waving at him.

Austin was a really good friend. The best ive ever had.


Austin's pov

I had a really good time at the mall with abby and getting her to learn make up was good .

Even though i was a boy i just wanted to help a friend out , my best friend abby Mitchell who was the person closest to my heart.

Abby's pov

I ran upstairs as i got into my pyjamas and washed my make up off and tied my hair into a pony tail.

I slipped into bed and fell asleep.


The next day i woke up , and wore my skinny jeans and my floral top with a cardigan ,i wore my foundation and my eye liner, mascara , blush and my cherry lipgloss.

I ran downstairs and just grabbed a apple and waved my mum goodbye and ran out to school.

It was a lovely day today.

I walked into college as i looked deep into my book not knowing were i was heading , all of a sudden i bumped into a hard body as i looked up it was zac , he stood there looking down at me as i blushed slightly and picked my book up from the floor and without looking at him i walked away.

I gulped really hard . Deep down i just wanted to get over and done with this! But the ultimate goal to show him he cant hurt me again was coursing through my blood.

I just couldnt wait for the time were i transform my self , Today me and Austin were going shopping to buy a few dresses

At free break i walked outside and saw a bunch of teenager's chilling out on the lovely day.

I walked behind a tree and sat there and read my favourite book , Fallen!

Suddenly Austin came running up to me , he knew where i was at free break.

"Come on its free break lets go shopping "he said trying to catch his breath.

"Ok first breathe" i said to him as i held his arm 

We got up as i put my book in my bag and walked to his car.

We spent 2 hours choosing clothes , i just brought 3 pairs of jeans and a few girly tops like shiny ones and floral crop tee's and some more heels .

"Lets go get some dresses"he exclaimed as he pointed at a shop , on the display window revealed such elegant and classy dresses, with subtle colours and so appealing to me. With one look i knew that was the shop for me .

I agreed and walked toward's the store.

"Here , here and here , wear this one" counted Austin as he casually kept giving me dresses to try by now I was holding 50 dresses .

And lucky me i couldn't reject or disobey him, he was too focused and looked so adorable picking dresses, not something id see very often!

I went inside the changing room as Austin waited for me outside.

The first dress was a bright  yellow which didn't look very appealing to me.

I came out twirling .

"Oh my gosh thats awful go change"he remarked.

I squinted my eyes at him and walked inside .

The next one was a flowly elegant pink dress

He disagreed with it, I mean i wasn't shopping for prom !

The next one was a red one , it was beautiful , but it was really revealing , it had no straps and it revealed a bit of my cleavage and revealed quite alot of skin.

I walked out as i put my hands on my hips and walked.

"What do you think?"i said to him smiling.

"No no not this one its too revealing"he murmed , i could tell from the tone in his voice he didn't like it.

"What Austin but i like this one "i moaned like a baby.

Suddenly we heard whistles and cheers coming from the window from a group of boys. Who were teasing.

I looked at them and then looked at Austin who looked really angry , he took of his jacket and put it around me .

As he looked at me as he bore his eyes into mine then he spoke " you can have this dress if you want to , but just wear it with a jacket if you want" he said resting his hands on my cheeks.
Suddenly those words felt so beautiful to me , i was caught in this moment , he cared about me so much , how could anyone be this sweet!

I smiled as i walked into the room as i took of his jacket and smiled , something was happening to me i had a really speacial kind of feeling.
But the problem was

What was this feeling?

Hey guys how did you like this chapter .

Next its Austin's pov

I couldnt get much of him into this chapter but the next chapter i will.

Looks like theres something  between Austin and abby , keep reading to find out more thanks

Please and vote and comment , i would be so grateful!.

From geek to chickМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя