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Its the first day of the year and the start of year eleven for me. I'm not really excited because its also the start of another friendless year, as the past 3 years of highschool was. In primary school I was very different, I was friends with all the popular kids and wore the latest trends, that was until I realised that none of that really matters in the long run. It was in the first year of highschool that my eyes opened.

My mother yells at me from downstairs telling me to hurry up or I'll be late. I don't really care if I'll be late because I hate school with a passion with all the cliché teens and boring classes. The only reason I go is to keep my mother happy, after my father left when I was 8,to marry the woman he had an affair with for the past year, she just wasn't as happy. She spends most of her time when she's at home in her room. Sometimes when I go in there to clean, because my mums a single parent and doesn't get loads of money so we can't afford a maid, I see a empty bottle or two that once contained alcohol. But I don't think her way of dealing with things makes her a bad mother because I don't think I would handle it much better if my life partner left me after he cheated on me for the past year. He really broke her.

If it wasn't for my art I would probably be just as miserable, it takes me to another world and keeps my mind off of things.

I quickly run down the stairs grabbing a apple on my way to the door mumbling a goodbye to my mom before stepping out into the crisp morning air. I sigh pulling out my phone pulling up my playlist before popping my headphones into my ears and start the 15 minute walk to my school, I walk for to reasons one: it clears my head and two: I don't own a car. Another thing that takes me to another world is music and its not long before I'm lost.


When I arrive at school its already overflowing with students cause the bell will ring in about 3 minutes. I quickly make my way to my locker and get my books out, I have English first period. When I'm finished at my locker I see I have a minute before the late bell rings, better hurry!

I fast walk in the direction of my English class when suddenly I bump into someone and the force sends the other person to the floor. I hear a groan and look at the person on the floor. I take a moment to analyse the girl on the floor. I should've know that she would look like your typical cliché teen girl.

I realize that even though I'm super against people like her, I shouldn't be a total jerk, and offer my hand to help her up. She gently places her hand in mine and I pull her up.

Just then the late bell rings, great I can't have detention again my mom has been trough enough and I hate to make it worse but it seems that I just cant help but disappoint the people I love, which isn't much people. I push the thoughts away and focus on the girl.

"So I'm geussing you're new here, I haven't seen you around", I say trying to keep the rudeness out of my voice. One thing about being alone all the time is you get to observe a lot so I watch all the students and that means I'm familiar with all the faces, but not this one.

"That obvious uh" the girl asks giving me a shy smile and I try not to flinch because I don't get much smiles probably only from my mom. I also know that as soon as she hears about me from other students she will never give me a smile again. But that fact shouldn't bother me because I'm not supposed to care what people think about me, so why do I feel like this?

And just like that I realize that I am going against all my rules by talking to this girl. She looks just like you're typical cliché teen girl. So I decide to end this conversation as quickly as possible and not get involved.

"No", I bluntly state not telling her that he only reason I noticed is because I have lots of time. that would make me sound weird and like a stalker. But once again I shouldn't care. I look down on my watch and see that I'm 5 minutes late, great! I groan in frustration and walk away from the girl without saying anything else, she's caused me to go against my rules and I can't afford being around her anymore.

I quickly make my way to my English class. When I arrive at the door I stand still taking a few deep breaths preparing myself for the lecture I'm sure to get. Taking one final deep breath I open the door bracing myself.

"Oh mister McConnell, so nice of you to join us", my English teacher states sarcastically. "I suppose you have a good reason for being almost 10 minutes late, would you like to share it?"

I just glance at him for a moment before just shrugging my shoulders.

"Well then I'll see you after school for detention, you may sit", he says gesturing to the only open seat.

I sigh looking down trying to avoid any eye contact. Just as I'm about to get to my seat I see a foot shooting out from under a table, but just to late, and next moment I'm on the ground. The guy the foot belongs to just looks down at me muttering freak before looking back at his work.

Great what a wonderfull start this day so far has been to the year, and its only first period.

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