Science takes the fun from magic

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I wanna touch the rainbow

But I don't wanna see how it feels

I wanna imagine a story

Of how the sky became so blue

Don't tell me about atoms, don't tell me the truth

I wanna see mystery

That'll never be figured out in realists history

I wanna imagine, I wanna pretend

Don't ruin everything with a boring end..

We, once upon a time,

All of us were fine,

Dandy like the flowers that grew,

Dandelions, they had wings and flew

We, once upon a time,

In a world without crime,

Held each others hands and painted the sky,

The air helped us too

Oh, but did you know?

Blue wasn't sad, it was something pretty.

You realist make this color feel really shitty

So we painted the sky with the color we did,for reasons to screw with you realists head

Put your wanting truths to bed,

R.I.P your imagination because yours is long dead

The sky is blue because its what They all said,

No reason behind it,

OH!! Don't be surprised :P

Truth is great but leave it out of my imaginations mind<3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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