Two Souls In Tango

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This is actually gonna have a happy ending wow that's new. Also hi to my friend who reads this, im baffling you with my bullshit. Oh yeah, there is smut in this so if it's shit apologies. ((ARE YOU HAPPY NOW AILSA))

Brought to you by, too much coffee and a fun. album on repeat. And this honestly took me so long to write I stg lemme check, shit I've had this since June 6th

Mikey and Pete  had been friends from a young age, around about eight. They met and hated each other for a while before realising that the other wasn't as bad as they though and became friends, almost best friends. Almost, Petes  best friend, without a doubt was Patrick  and Mikey's was his brother , Gerard. The two boys were still very close, though.

So by the time they were both teenagers, and they were obsessed with girls and getting laid, while Patrick mainly watched in horror of it all, mainly because of what his best friend was acting like because, "Goddamn it Pete girls aren't accessories!" Luckily, this was when they were fourteen, meaning they quickly got out of this phase.

Highschool was fun for them all, I mean, Gerard left when Mikey had barely started which was kind of disappointing but oh well, that means Pete didn't get lectured about how he was a terrible role model for Mikey , while he gave him an apologetic glance because Pete had gotten this lecture when they were 10, and frankly, he didn't need it again. It was actually really intense.

But, because of Gerard's absence for most of high school, Pete  generally decided he was going to try his best to fuck up Mikey's life. Okay, that was a little harsh, maybe, hanging out with Mikey and maybe putting him in danger in the process but never on purpose was probably slightly more accurate to what Pete  did but who needs accuracy?

And they managed to get through all of their highschool years with only making out a few times, which for Pete, was quite an achievement. Because Pete made out with practically everyone, not that he'd of minded making out with him, he just enjoyed having his dick attached to his body and if he'd done more with Mikey, Gerard might of changed the whole "intact penis"thing. I mean, Mikey  was cool and hot and all, but  he wasn't worth losing his dick over.

So highschool ended, they went to different colleges, Patrick went to the same one as Pete, and they lost most contact. An occaisional text to wish them Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, or the "Hey it's been ages!" That was really all, but they were both busy, Mikey had gotten a girlfriend who was probably more important than his old friends from school, and Pete was... Well, Pete didn't really know what he was doing but it was something so that counts.

And Mikey was off studying English in some university in a different state so he was more likely to have a successful future than Pete was, but Pete had stopped thinking of Mikey a long time ago. Not because he wanted to forget Mikey, Mikey was a big part of his life after all, he was just busy with life and shit. Patrick and Mikey occaisionally and Pete got updates on his life but it didn't really matter.

They didn't really see eachother over holidays or anything, both busy with family and stuff, plus Mikey would visit Gerard a lot of the time he was out of school, sure Pete kind of missed Mikey, it had been a while since they'd hung out properly, Pete missed one of his best friends, but it's reality, and fate had just wanted them not to meet.

Sure, they occaisionally saw eachother, they spoke, hugged, said hi, promised to speak, which they never actually did, it was how it worked. Pete simply didn't have time for Mikey in his life, as sad as it was.

Except college was ending and Mikey and Pete were both going home, which, Pete was kind of excited about, I mean, Mikey used to be one of his best friends after all, so it was nice.

how love ought to be (petekey oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora