Chapter One- No Breaks

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I feel someone sit next to me at the bar and I smile at him when he reaches into the ice box to get a beer " enjoying the party Steve?" My boyfriend looks over at me, casually taking in the sight of my shin length dark blue and white dress.

        I feel someone sit next to me at the bar and I smile at him when he reaches  into the ice box to get a beer " enjoying the party Steve?" My boyfriend looks over at me, casually taking in the sight of my shin length dark blue and white dress

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My black hair in a horsetail braid just past my shoulders. Steve smiles " looks like you're enjoying it, or just enjoying your reflection on the bar?" I raise an eyebrow " you sir are learning too much sass, what happened to my sweet, and nice Steven?" The super soldier leans over and presses a kiss to my cheek " I've spent a lot of time around you, so I've learned from the best sweetheart." I smile " nice save, so you enjoy your bromantic talk with Sam?" Steve chuckles " just some side business talk." I sit up a little more " anything?" The blonde shakes his head " nothing yet." I place my hand on top of his " we'll find him, it won't take forever with both Sam and I looking." The avenger smiles and looks at our hands " after Thor takes the scepter, you and I should take a trip, a couple of days , just us. After we can take Forest to Disney land or somewhere she chooses." I smile " I would love that, where did you have in mind Steve?" He entwines his fingers with mine, his blue eyes meeting my own " maybe a nice cabin with a lake view upstate, a nice relaxing weekend." I stand and he pulls me into his arms and I peck his jaw " make it a week and I'm yours." Steve chuckles " thought you already were mine, unless you have something with Nat?" I smile " oh you guessed my secret, so smart captain." I look over at Natasha on the other end of the bar and call out " Natasha, Steve found out. I have to leave you." She gives me a shocked fake look " how could you?" I fight a laugh " an upstate lake view cabin Nat, I'm sorry." She laughs and turns back to talking with Maria and I look at Steve " all yours hot stuff."
        I sit on a lab table as Steve looks me over for injuries and I do the same to him. Clint looks at us and makes a noise " how come you don't worry about me Fer, I'm your older brother?" I give him a look " I love Steve more, your a big boy. And Steve is always nicer to me than you are, always giving me a hard time brother." The elder Barton pouts and I smirk " caw caw motherfucker." Steve gives me a look " Feralin, not the time." I sigh and then give Tony a glare " dammit Stark, no breaks. DC, England, The Mandarin, Sokovia, I'm tired of the constant work, listening to the news, paperwork, now this. You too Bruce, for men with high IQs you two are stupid. I was enjoying a nice night with my boyfriend, not worrying about my daughter and six month old son, but no, you have to create a new enemy. Maybe I should save Ultron the trouble and kill you myself." Steve grabs me as I hop off the table and Clint comes over to help " easy there, lets have angry mama get a drink from the kitchen." I let out a breathe " you're right Clint, I need some water, I'll also give Chess a call to check up on the kids. Steve I'll be fine, but watch over the Frankenstein twins to make sure they don't create something else." I pull myself out of the super soldiers grip and leave the Lab and head towards the kitchen. I grab a water bottle and then open my phone and open a text " Chess, get the kids to Laura and watch over them. Stark and Banner created a threat and I want to know everyone is under your protection. Tell the kids Steve and I love them, do not tell Laura anything, just tell her I wanted you to check up on her, play it off  like I'm the paranoid sister in law I am. Thank you for everything, hopefully this will end soon.
       Ps. No sign of him yet, Steve talked with Sam at the party." I drink the whole bottle of water and lean against the kitchen counter and open my phones photos to see a picture of Steve and I with Forest and our six month old son James and I smile " mamas going to kick some metal ass  before seeing you two again."

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