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SkyLynn pov
"Dare hurry your ass up we are going to miss our flight" I yelled "why? Are we moving again sky.....when been here for 10years" he said walking into the room with his bags "because she knows we are here it took her 10years but she knows Dare I am just looking out for you" I said "okay let's go then" he said putting the bags in the back off the car "I am driving" he said taking the keys from my hands "okay" I said getting into the passenger seat as he got into the driver seat
"Where are we going to be staying?" He asked taking his eyes off the road for a few seconds "I bought a small house online......remember when I did that photo shoot for vs will the pay was great and I still had some leftover so yea" I said as we pulled up to the airport
*skip until Los Angeles*
"That was the longest flight of my life" Dare said grabbing our bags off the belt and handing me mine "not really" I said laughing "and I get master bedroom since you had it at the old house" I said while calling a uber
*10 minutes later*
The uber finally show up "where to?" The driver asked looking from me to dare "3207 sunset boulevard" I said
*skip to after unpacking*
"I am gonna go into town you wanna come we can get food?" I asked "yea! Why not" Dare said "how far in town?" He asked "only 10 minutes by walking" I said
*skip to town*
"Yea I will meet up with you in 3hours at in-n-out"I said "okay"he said walking into some sports store while I went into west coast cure I need to get a new bong and some weed since I give all my old stuff to my friend back home "welcome to wcc what can I help my with ma?" Some guy asked "will I need a bong and some good kush "I said "will you came to the right place" he said showing me all the bongs only one stood out to me tho it was black and clear my type of bong "I will take this one and some of your best kush" I said looking at the guy "okay" He said going to get the kush and taking my new bong to wrap it up so it won't break. I heard the door open but I was to busy looking at pipes to care who came in "sup skate I will be with you in a minute" the guy said "nahh it's fine I just need all of my favorite kush" skate said "Ight.....but it's not going to be the amount as last time" the guy said "why not?" Skate asked walking closer to me "because she just bought a pound of it" the guy said "damn lil mama smoking my kush and you have a fat ass" skate said "I guess I am" I said walking by the owner giving the money and grabbing my bag and walking to the next store
*skip to back at the house"
"Hey sis" Dare said walking into my room "sup?" I said "the guys next store invite us to their party later....do you wanna go?" He asked me "yea why not" I said getting up and pushing him out of my room

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