Chapter 9: Jailed....Again

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Hi everyone, hope you enjoy this week's chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments. Don't forget to vote if you like it, follow me if you want updates and share to your friends.



I looked around quickly for an open window or even a door and spotted a double glass door which lead what appeared to be a summer room. I sped towards it and opened the door, which thankfully was unlocked. I dashed in and shut the door quickly before grabbing the pink throw off the chair. I wrapped it around my body and tied it around the back of my neck so it appeared to be a dress.

I left the room looking around the corridor, listening for a voice that would give away a clue as to where Justine may be kept. This appeared to be an area mainly for humans as I could hear them creeping about both upstairs and in the rooms around me. I crept along the corridor, listening in at the doors as I passed.

I continued until I reached a small set of stairs which led up to the upper floor. I crept up it, keeping an eye out for anyone who may come by. When I reached the top, I could just hear a small sob from the other end of the corridor. I ran as quiet as I could, keeping to the walls to avoid creaks from floorboards. I arrived at a door where, I could clearly hear a woman crying, and I hoped it would be Justine.

I grabbed the door handle and was just about to open it when a hand pressed against my mouth and pulled me away from the door. I tried to kick out when an arm wrapped around my waist and yanked me away, my mouth still covered so I couldn't scream or anything. I was pulled back down the corridor and down the stairs, whilst all the humans remained oblivious. I was practically carried down the stairs and dragged back to the lounge where the two brothers were sat.

"So glad to have you back. Did you have fun exploring?" The younger brother replied.

I glared at him as he stood up and waltzed over to me with an arrogant look on his face. As he reached me, the vampire who had hold of me let goo and backed away. I stumbled slightly and right into his hand which slapped me hard across the face. I stumbled sideways into the coffee table before being yanked up roughly and shoved back into one of the vampires.

"I want her locked up securely this time. No-one goes to her but me, do you hear?" He ordered.

I was handcuffed from behind and pulled along by my arm back to the jail cellar and locked up on the far wall in shackles. The makeshift dress was removed and I was left there in nothing but a vest top and underwear yet again. Ass-holes!

I struggled against the shackles but they weren't giving way at all. I slumped down the wall in frustration at myself, knowing I could have escaped if I hadn't gone to attack that poor woman.

I was left there for hours, with nothing to do and my arms going dead with nothing to relieve the pain of numbness. I watched the sky turn dark from the small window, as well as when the rain started to pour down outside. The room turned black in the dark, and it was starting to turn cold. But this was no different to living in a cavern for 18 years. I could probably sleep if it weren't for the fact that I was cuffed to the wall.

That's when I heard a scream so shrill it felt like my ears would burst. And it was heading this way. I looked to the door just as the lights flicked on and the room was lit up so bright I flinched away as I was momentarily blinded. When my eyes had almost adjusted, I looked up to see what was happening and what I saw made me almost yank my arms out of their sockets.

Crystal was being dragged into the cell next to me as she weakly struggled against her captors. Dave was at the other side being dragged by his feet unconscious and bleeding from his head. There was 5 vampire in all including my captor who was now staring at my from my cell door.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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