Chapter 2

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Sorry for the wait! I'm back and ready to dance!! (<get it? No okay.. )

It was during the day when I woke up. I didn't know why, or how but I just did. But she never returned. She never came back. I wonder if I can go back. Will she come back? Can't say I want to go back though.

Ahiru wakes up. "What a nice day it seems." I get ready for class. I was about to leave, but I saw Mytho. He was on the edge of his window. I didn't know what I was doing. I jumped out the window to try and catch him. But I couldn't do the impossible. I didn't land the way I should've. That's when she awoken. I shouldn't have. But I did. I'm so stupid.

Princess tutu POV now.

"Finally, after all these years of waiting longing to get out of this horrid body. I wondered if I was gonna ever gonna get out." She stands up and brushes all of the stuff that accumulated on her dress while she fell. Oh wait Mytho that's right. She heads over to his side of the dorms. He was still on the edge looking at the little bird that was about to fall. He fell. She was in the right position, so she grabbed him right away. "Hello," says Tutu in Ahiru's body.
"Ah, um... hello."
"It's okay dear no need to be shy. Class is about to start so get ready. Mytho.
"Thank you Ahiru."
"The pleasure is all mine."


In class

~; "Ok, let's get for some stretching."
Ahiru was not the best in ballet. She could barely strech. She had no friends. She was left behind. A what do you call it? Loner.
I've seen her get bullied behind these eyes. She never once shed a tear. I wonder why? Is she human? No one can stand getting punched. Kicked. How can she stand all of this?
Princess tutu begin stretching while still in thought. She did a few jumps here and there, while Rue and her so called friends watched her.




Princess tutu didn't have lunch to eat, no one makes food in the dorms for her. She had to go to 7/11, (Current year ) she took out her phone looking through her social media. On her instagram she had 5 followers, they were all ghosts followers, Princess smirked a little while looking at the phone. She goes to her Facebook, no friends, her snapchat no friends either. She was a girl of mystery. She was no longer here, she doesn't want to go back to this world. Princess tutu deleted all her media's and made new ones. She took a picture of her self, a so called selfie. A horrible word for a self photograph. She tagged it as eating lunch here, and I got a bit bored. She got likes right away and she earned 100 followers right away. She heard the bell.


End of chapter 2


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