2. Meeting Harry

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Aliyah POV:

I couldn't believe it, it has been three years since I went to the interview, three years since I got my role on Pretty Little Liars, three years since my life really began. Over the years we have been to many premiers, parties and awards but it never gets old, I always get nervous and the excitement never goes away. 

Today was no different, we were going to a party after the teen choice awards were pretty little lairs won three awards. 

I rode in the car with Ashley and Ian. When we arrived the place was filled with stars, fans, paparazzi and body guards. We entered the party and had our pictures snapped over a hundred times with in the first ten minutes. 

When we entered inside the three of us met with the rest of the cast from our show, and Haley of course, she was my plus one tonight as her music career has took a bit of break. As the night progressed we all started to mingle and split off into different social groups. 

I was dancing with Holland Roden, who is a close friend of mine of the cast of Teen Wolf, we were having the time of our life when suddenly even the stars became star struck. Me and Holland looked at eachtoher slightly confused about who could be that big that they could leave a trail of gasps as they made their way through the crowds, not even the Kardashians have that much of a big response. 

"Who is it?" I shouted through the music. 

Holland just shrugged her shoulders before continuing to dance. She was slightly different to me when it came to these types of things, she was a lot more calm where I was star struck every ten seconds, especially with the cast of The Vampire Diaries. Even though I am now friends with them. 

After a couple of minutes of trying to find out who it is I gave up and carried on dancing with Holland. A few songs later and I became tired, my large heels were hurting, which I have to wear due to my short height. 

"Hey." I smiled to Ian Harding as I came and sat next to him, he was sat at a table next to two other people who shocked me when I realised who they was. Zayn and Niall from one direction!

"Hi." Ian retorted as he moved over slightly, allowing me to join them easier at the table.

The other two amazing members of the table smiled when they realised I was sat with them. 

"Hi, I am Zayn and this is Niall!" Zayn introduced themselves as though I wouldn't know already!

"I am Aliyah, Aliyah Jonson!" I replied. 

"Oh we know, you won quite a few awards didn't you?" Niall asked me as he leaned into the table more. 

"Yeah, and the rest of the cast of course!" I said referring over to Ian, me and Ian are really close but much to the fans of the show who would like to see Ezria in real life we aren't together. 

Our conversation continued more and more and I found out that not only do most of one direction watch pretty little liars but it was them that gained all the gasps that had confused me and Holland upon their arrival.

"So what are we talking about?" A long haired boy asked as he joined the table. It was Harry! 

"Well we was just talking to Aliyah and Ian about their amazing show!" Zayn boasted. 

"Come on Harry this must be a dream come true for you!" Niall laughed. 

I tilted my head slightly. "Why's that?" I asked. 

"Well even though he probably wont admit it, Harry is a huge pll fan and a massive shipper of Ezria, seeing the real thing in front of him must be amazing." Niall explained. 

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